Wayne Rooney admits 'holiday bevvies' have made him overweight

Wayne Rooney admits drinking on holiday made him overweight, celebrities on holiday, celebrity travel
Wayne Rooney admits drinking on holiday made him overweight, celebrities on holiday, celebrity travel

Wayne Rooney on holiday in Dubai in 2010. Rex

Most of us are guilty of drinking more when we're on holiday, but lucky for us we don't have to return home to the pressure of playing football for one of the world's biggest teams, like Wayne Rooney.

The Manchester United striker and England player has admitted that drinking during his summer holiday once caused him to turn up to pre-season training over his target weight.

The footballer has revealed his fitness issues in his new book, extracts of which have appeared in the Daily Mirror.

'I'm like most blokes, I put on a few pounds after a holiday,' he said.

'Even if I don't train for a week, I put on two or three, but when I get back to Carrington for the first day of work, I'm in for a shock.'

The footballer who wrote about his experiences of pre-season 2011 added: 'The scales in the club gym tell me I've put on a few more pounds than expected – seven. Seven!

'Then I remember – I drank a few bevvies while I was away. I'm stocky.'

Rooney also revealed he was once dropped by Ferguson for going out with friends for a meal on Boxing Day, even though the next match was in six days.

Is Rooney doing anything we wouldn't do? After all, Brits are known for their boozy habits on holiday... and here are a few more!


Do you think footballers should give up drinking on their holidays if it affects their weight? Leave a comment and let us know below.

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