Mystery donor leaving $100 notes around US city

Mystery Donor Continues Randomly Leaving $100 Bills For Strangers
Mystery Donor Continues Randomly Leaving $100 Bills For Strangers

Ten-year-old Eva Grace was busking outside an Oregon market in the United States when, much to her surprise, she spied very big bucks in her violin case.

Imagine her shock when she saw that it was in fact a $100 bill.

"We were so happy, we were like jumping up and down!" the girl said.

Her mother couldn't believe it either, she said she kept asking her daughter if she knew who had left it there but Eva Grace was just as confused as she was.

Another woman, a volunteer from the county dog shelter also found a $100 bill in her donation box.

She said she found it when she went to count the money later on.

Another busker, this time a guitarist, found not one, but two $100 notes in her collection.

But who is this mystery philanthropist? The only clue is the signature 'Benny'.

While that could be the name of the mystery donor, it could also be a reference to Benjamin Franklin, the man who's face features on the $100 note in the United States.

A gem collector has been the lucky recipient of three 'Benny bills' while a breadmaker broke the bank with seven!

In total, it's thought that Benny has left a grand total of $59,000 around the city. Such random acts of generosity have been spied all over the town of Salem for the last three years.

In fact, the Benny bills have created a 'pay it forward' movement with half of the beneficiaries donating their notes.
