Aftermath of Rescue Dogs' Naughty Behavior Convinces Couple to Invest in Indoor Cameras


Investing in a pet camera can give dog owners peace of mind while they're away at work or for the weekend, but a camera can't actually keep your pets out of trouble. Technically, you could invest in a pet camera with a speaker so you can talk to your fur baby, but there's only so much you can do without being physically in the room. It's a harsh reality, but it's one that all dog owners learn at one point or another!

Just ask the Elhabbassi newlyweds! On June 14, this couple shared a raw and real video after coming home to a room of destruction. Their rescue dogs didn't even try to hide their guilt, and it's easy to see why their parents are set on buying an indoor camera. Dog owners have all been there!

OMG! It looks like these two tore into the kitchen trash, no doubt in search of a snack. This is one of those times when owning two dogs isn't always better than one! They just might conspire to pull off something naughty like this. Even if the Elhabbassi pups were hungry or bored, the guilty looks on their faces tell me that they knew they did something naughty! As cute as guilty dogs can look, though, cleaning up the messes they made isn't nearly as enjoyable.

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Some commenters can't get over the Corgi dog's sad eyes and side glance at Mom, but others are impressed that the dogs already understand what they did wrong before Dad says anything at all.

"I like that they know they're in trouble," wrote @marcojlankford. "It also seems like this isn't their first rodeo?" I have a feeling you're right! Even if the Corgi could never keep a straight face, these two hungry dogs clearly took advantage of the situation by destroying things while they were alone. At least with an indoor camera, the dog owners can stop the naughty pups in the act!

When Rescue Dogs Act Naughty

Many rescue dogs need time to adjust to their new environments when they're first adopted, but after a while, their true colors will start to shine through. They'll learn routines and everyday behaviors, and then they'll start to test boundaries to learn your expectations. That's normal!

Once your rescue dog is fully adjusted, however, they'll start to become comfortable enough to act out. Whether they're indulging puppy instincts by chewing on shoes or pushing your buttons by nipping at your heels, your rescue dog is actually showing you that they feel safe by being naughty. At the moment, though, it's normal not to feel so happy about it!

While this isn't the first or last time these dogs will get into something they shouldn't, I hope their viral video is a decent consolation for the busy newlyweds.

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