New app feature helps drivers avoid speeding fines

A new feature on a NSW Government app aims to help people to slow down on the roads.

The Speed Adviser app has been around for years and its purpose was to warn drivers if they travel over the speed limit.

The free app, available on Apple and Android devices was created by the NSW Government's Centre for Road Safety and it recently got a new feature added to it.

Now, drivers will be verbally alerted if they are travelling over the speed limit and if they are entering an area where a mobile speed camera might be operating.

Roads Minister Natalie Ward told 9News, it is possible some motorists might not be familiar with an area, or the speed limit, so the government wants people to use the app so they can make sure they stay under the speed limit and adjust their behaviour.

Streams of early morning traffic on the Bradfield Highway, Sydney. Buildings of North Sydney on right & Sydney CBD & Bridge ahead.
The Speed Adviser app lets motorists know if they are going above the speed limit. Source: Getty Images (Getty Images)

At the end of 2020, fixed mobile speed camera signs were taken off the roads. The move was met with outrage as the government pocked millions in fines.

The fury was heard and the state government vowed to install new signs on the roof of mobile speed cameras, a move one "crusader" deemed "pointless" as such vehicles can hide away from motorists.

With this new app, motorists will be told via their phone if there are any mobile speed cameras in the area.

"We've listened to the community feedback, we want people to have good behaviour, we want to incentivise and reward, we want people to slow down on our roads," Ms Ward said.

What does the Speed Adviser app do?

In addition to spoken warnings, users can also see visual warnings on the app, if they exceed the speed limit.

The app promises to have accurate speed zone information across all of NSW and will announce things like school zones and winter-only speed zones in the Snowy Mountains region, when applicable.

Day and night modes are also available.

The Speed Adviser app works with both Apple and Android devices. Source: NSW Government's Centre for Road Safety
The Speed Adviser app works with both Apple and Android devices. Source: NSW Government's Centre for Road Safety

"Using the GPS capability of your phone, the Speed Adviser app monitors your location and speed, and alerts you via visual and audible warnings if you exceed the speed limit," NSW Government's Centre for Road Safety says.

"Speed Adviser is for NSW roads only."

Given the app is available for both Apple and Android devices, pretty much everyone but learner and provisional drivers can use it.

In NSW, L and P-plate drivers are prohibited from using their phones while driving, so they are not permitted to use the Speed Adviser app.

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