Australian Kangaroos Are the Cutest Little Wedding Crashers Ever


If you've ever had a wedding, you already know there's no such thing as the perfect wedding. Big or small, something always goes wrong. For me, the weather didn't cooperate. It was supposed to be a mild, September day and ended up being more like a middle-of-the summer day. It was so hot! Modern Day Romance is a wedding content creator in Australia. She shared a video in mid-August of some wedding crasher checking out the venue before the wedding, and they're the cutest crashers you've ever seen!

The video is super short - only 6 seconds long - but shows the crashers in action. Not only do the kangaroos check out the flowers and greenery, but they also decide to sample them! My favorite part is when they lady tries to shoo them away by putting out her hand and pointing for them to leave. I don't think they listened!

I wish the video was longer! I wonder how long they all stayed and how they finally got rid of them! Fortunately, this looks like it happened before the wedding and not during the service! Commenters of Modern Day Romance's video were all Team Kangaroo. @hiyalondontown got nearly 300 likes when she admitted, "I’m sorry but if there were small kangaroos just whimsically scattered throughout my wedding scene, I would be ECSTATIC!!" and another commenter added, "They would be my dream wedding guests!" And I couldn't agree more with the person who said, "No because I wouldn’t even be mad, they’re so cute!"

Related: Kangaroo in Australia Tries to Help Himself to Man's Beer and Pizza

Cool Kangaroo Facts

If you live in Australia, kangaroos are just a daily part of life. They are the national symbol of the country, and there are tens of millions of them throughout, with the Red Kangaroo being the most prevalent.

Kangaroos are the largest marsupial in the world, which is so interesting since at birth, joeys are about the size of a grape. They live inside of their mother's pouch for about the first year of life, rarely being let out to explore the world around them until they're around 8 months old when they start venturing away from mom.

We all know kangaroos can hop far and that their legs are spring loaded; they can hop more than 25 feet in just one leap! They're also quick and can hop (run?) up to 35 MPH. There's no outrunning a kangaroo!

Researchers learned that kangaroos tend to be left-handed; shared, "Based on research with red kangaroos, eastern grays, and red-necked wallabies, researchers have found the animals are primarily left-handed, using that hand for tasks such as grooming and eating about 95% of the time. Their hands also seem to be specialized for different types of work, with kangaroos typically using their left hand for precision and their right for strength." I had no idea that animals, like humans, might use one hand over the other. That's why I like learning about random facts so much - I can't wait to impress my kids with this fact!

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