Baby Elephants at the San Diego Zoo Trying On Different ‘Hats’ Are Regular Fashionistas

CC Alonephotoshoot/Shutterstock

Looking for fall's biggest trends? May we suggest... heading over to the San Diego Zoo? We know, we know, that doesn't sound like the most fashionable trip. But a video of one of their baby elephants trying on "hats" might just change your mind.

Someone call Vogue because this baby elephant is the next big thing to hit fashion — if you're into sticks, dirt, and debris that is.

Just like any good fashion designer, the baby elephant also models their own wares. The footage the zoo shared shows the elephant munching on a quick snack before showing off their latest creations.

Related: Baby Elephant Getting Pampered at the Toledo Zoo Is Beyond Precious

If sticks are your thing, then you'll love the "giant stick" hat the elephant made. Maybe you're more into grass, in which case you'll love the grass hat the elephant created. Be careful though! That one will cover your eyes.

Honestly, who knew that elephants were this creative? Every "hat" the animal showed was a serious look. Some people may not get the elephant's genius, but we totally see the vision.

"It's called fashion," the zoo joked in the caption.

People in the comments section were loving the new line. "I’m glad I wasn’t in public watching this, because I straight up cackled," wrote one person. "Very demure, very modest, very cutesy," another commenter praised. "Baby elephants are definitely right up there with the silliest and funniest babies," one person chimed in. "So what you’re saying is elephants are cats but nicer," someone else teased.

The San Diego Zoo

Unlike Paris or New York Fashion Week, anyone can get up close and personal with these latest fashion finds. Just head over to the San Diego Zoo in California to take all the goodness in.

You can see this baby and many more elephants at the zoo's Elephant Odyssey experience.

"Elephants spend up to 16 hours per day eating and can eat as much as 330 pounds of food in one day—so you’re likely to see them munching on something," the zoo explained on their website. "African elephants are grazer-browsers and eat a variety of vegetation, including grasses, leaves, shrubs, bark, and trees."

You can even see workers with the Elephant Care Center scrubbing an elephant's foot or taking care of one of their charges. There's a lot to see!

Elephants are the most interesting creatures. Even if you aren't local to the area; find a zoo near you so you can see them in real life. They're magical! And as this video proves, elephants can be sort of hilarious. Even when they're pint-sized.

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