Baby Goats Wearing Sweaters Are Giving the Fall Vibes We’ve All Been Waiting For

Shutterstock/Patrick Hatt

Fall is finally here, and with it comes all kinds of comfy things. We get to get put on big warm scarves and boots while sipping on a pumpkin spice latte or cider and watching the leaves fall. And don't forget getting to wear our favorite fluffy, soft sweaters...just like these baby goats!

Cheese and Quackers are ducks and their mom normally posts cute videos about their antics. But in this video shared on Tuesday, September 24th, mom shared a clip of adorable baby goats dressed in sweaters and jackets, and people can't get enough! Watch until the end because even Peanut the duck makes an appearance wrapped in an adorable scarf!

Is this not the cutest thing you've seen all day?! Now I want a baby goat just so that I can put them in a sweater! Cheese and Quackers mom said she found the sweaters and jackets at Tractor Supply for four bucks each and she was so excited to put them on the goats!

Commenters also enjoyed the adorable video and all of the fall vibes it gives. @Danielle said, "This needs to be viral!!" @Shawn said the same thing I was thinking, "I’d wear that sweater." @Norma Valdez summed it up best, "Cuteness overload!!!!"

Related: Baby Farm Goats Having a Pajama Party Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

Fun Facts About Farm Animals

Every time I watch a Cheese and Quackers video it makes me want to have a whole backyard full of farm animals! I'd love to have runner ducks, pygmy goats, a mini cow or two, and maybe some chickens; we go through a lot of eggs! Unfortunately, I live in a neighborhood where that's not possible, not to mention that I know nothing about farming. I did a quick search to learn some fun facts about goats and other farm animals and thought it would be fun to share a few of them.

Did you know that goats don’t have teeth on their upper jaw? Instead, they have a hard palate that they use to grind down their food and sheep do the same. The articles I read all said that goats make great companions for other farm animals, including horses, chickens, and cows. Everybody wants to be their friends!

This fact about cows was pretty surprising...they have four stomachs that help them digest the food that they eat...well, kinda. It's actually one big stomach but it has four different compartments. An average dairy cow can eat over 100 pounds of feed a wonder they need all of those stomachs!

Here's an interesting fact about chickens: they have great memories and can remember and recognize about 100 faces. If you raise chickens, they know who you are.

Animals are so interesting, and I really enjoy learning new facts about them. I may not be able to have a farm now, but I'm putting it on my bucket list for further down the road.

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