Baby ingested cocaine from milk bottles in couple’s ‘horrendous’ home

Paul Stirling and Ashley Jane Kerr pled guilty to wilfully ill-treating, and neglecting three children. (Reach)
Paul Stirling and Ashley Jane Kerr admitted wilfully ill-treating, and neglecting three children. (Reach)

Traces of cocaine were found in the system of a baby who had fed from plastic milk bottles at a couple's "horrendous" home in Scotland.

Police were left shocked after visiting Paul Stirling, 28, and Ashley Jane Kerr, 36, and finding their council property covered in piles of rubbish, knives, blades and fragments of glass.

Powerful tramadol painkillers were also discovered at the address in Livingston, West Lothian, while baby bottles were analysed and found to contain traces of cocaine.

Tests were then carried out on a baby who had been in the address and cocaine was found in their hair, blood and urine.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court heard how the traces were "particularly high in the hair, indicating his repeated exposure to cocaine".

Stirling and Kerr pled guilty to wilfully ill-treating, and neglecting three children, who had been in their home, by allowing it to become untidy, dirty and strewn with waste material.

Paul Stirling also admitted failing to seek timely medical care for one child and to causing the baby to ingest cocaine from bottles of milk. (Reach)
Stirling also admitted failing to seek timely medical care for a child and to causing the baby to ingest cocaine from bottles of milk. (Reach) (Media Scotland)

The pair admitted exposing the youngsters to hazardous items, and unsanitary and dangerous conditions.

Stirling also admitted failing to seek timely medical care for one child and to causing the baby to ingest cocaine from bottles of milk.

Fiscal depute Alan Wickham told the court the home had been found in an "abject condition" and was a "horrendous environment" for youngsters to be exposed to.

Police visited the property in November 2019 following an incident where Stirling had called NHS 24 to report a youngster had "stopped breathing" after choking on their own vomit.

Officers inspected the house after it was discovered Stirling had ignored medical advice by not taking the child to A&E to be checked out.

Edinburgh, Scotland - 16th August 2019: Entrance to Edinburgh Sheriff Court in Chambers Street in the city centre.
Edinburgh Sheriff Court heard how traces of cocaine on the baby were "particularly high in the hair, indicating his repeated exposure to cocaine". (Reach) (SoopySue via Getty Images)

They found blister packets of tramadol lying around in several places, a knife under a sofa cushion, and flies in the kitchen, which had no clean work surfaces.

Glass fragments were found in an upstairs hallway while Wickham said the master bedroom was the "most cluttered room", with access to it "virtually impossible".

The court was told four baby bottles were taken and sent for analysis, with three of them testing positive for cocaine.

Stirling, of Fauldhouse, West Lothian, and Kerr, of Livingston, pled guilty to the charge, which ran from September 2017 to November 2019.

Sheriff Ian Anderson deferred sentence on the pair until next month for reports.
