Basset Hound Lets It Be Known: She Only Walks for Treats

CC Daria Shvetcova/Shutterstock

Some dogs make it impossible for their owners to even say the word "walk" without it being a whole thing. But not Millie, nope. The Basset Hound would probably be completely unfazed if her owner said the "w" word. In fact, there's only one thing that really motivates the dog to get some exercise, and it's not exactly good news for her owners.

Millie has her humans well-trained. If they want her to take a stroll, they need to give her some incentive.

As a video online shows, that typically means treats. Lots and lots of treats. The clip is pretty hysterical. The Basset Hound literally only moves forward because someone is holding a treat up, just out of reach. That unfortunately means that at least one person has to be walking in front of the Basset at all times. She'll even resort to being picked up if there isn't a treat involved.

Related: Basset Hound 'Throws a Fit' Like a Human Kid After Mom Turns Off 'The Little Mermaid'

"If there ain’t a treat, I ain’t walkin'," the hound's owner joked in the caption.

Commenters had some suggestions for Millie's motivation issues. "This is the perfect scenario for those treat hats that dangle the food in front of their faces that we always saw in cartoons," wrote one person. "You could scoop peanut butter on a long spoon so you don't have to bend that low," someone else wrote. "I've seen someone put peanut butter on one of those ball throwing things, then you wouldn't have to bend down!" added another commenter." I see the good effort but I fear she has now developed a bad habit," chimed in another commenter.

How to Get Your Dog to Walk

If there seems to be nothing that will get your dog to move regularly, have no fear. You don't have to resort to the "treat method" like Millie did. Some really stubborn dogs just aren't up for promenading, so you might want to circle around them and then start walking in the direction that you want them to walk to get them going.

You can also start leash training your dog if you haven't done so already, as that can make a huge difference. Switching up your route to more interesting locations, or speeding up during particularly fascinating spots along your path can make a difference too.

You'll want to reward good behavior while walking, but don't hold the treat above your dog's head as that might reinforce bad habits. You don't want to drag them either, as that'll let them know they can get attention for acting out.

Some dogs are not going to be Olympians and that's totally okay. They just need a little bit of exercise to keep them happy and healthy.

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