Basset Hound Puppy Lying Down to Enjoy the Sun Instead of Walking Is Brightening Timelines

Shutterstock/Mikayla Nicole Photo

If there's one thing almost all dogs love to do, it's to go on a walk. But puppies can get tired pretty quickly, which is why this little one decided to lie down for a quick rest in the middle of his walk. Archie is a 12-week-old Basset Hound and to say he's adorable would be an understatement!

His parents shared a video on Wednesday, July 17th of Archie taking a break during his walk to relax in the sun, and who could blame him? It's summertime, it's nice and warm out, and the sun on your skin, uh I mean fur, is such a wonderful feeling. I could watch him roll around like that all day!

Archie is so cute and his video made me smile! It looks like he was thoroughly enjoying his walk, or rather, his break during his walk! When my dog was a puppy, she did this same thing. And while it was kind of annoying at the time, it's absolutely adorable to see someone else's dog do it!

Related: Basset Hound Puppy's Cute Reaction to Seeing a Horse Is the Best

How to Get Your Dog to Walk On Walks

My dog is always up for a walk, but not all dogs are as agreeable when it comes to getting a move on. Some dogs are just really stubborn, and only want to walk on their own terms. Others need a little help to get moving, so you might want to circle around them and then just start walking to get them to follow.

Leash training your dog is very important, and if you bring a new puppy home, immediately get them used to being on leash, even by practicing in the house. Once they're used to being on a leash and walking, keep it interesting for them. You can do that by changing your walking route (we walk the same route and just reverse it every other day). You can speed up your walk or slow it down. Let them stop to sniff and check everything out when you have the time, and speed up to pass spots you know are interesting to them when you don't.

If you have a dog that's not a fan of walking, try to praise them with treats when they cooperate. Reward their good behavior with a treat and a pat and ignore bad habits so that you don't reinforce them. Never yank or pull them either, especially if you have a neck collar on them as it could harm them.

Make sure to do your research to find out how much exercise (and how vigorous) your dog's breed needs each day to keep them healthy and to prevent them from acting out destructive behaviors out of boredom. Your dog may not need as much physical exercise as you might think!

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