Basset Hound Steals Mom’s Credit Card to ‘Go Shopping’ and Feels No Remorse

CC andreac77/Shutterstock

A sneaky Basset Hound must've wanted to go on a shopping spree, because he snatched his mom's credit card and took off. Don't get too upset Mama, he just wants to go bark to school shopping.

A video his owner shared shows Neville making his get away – credit card tucked discreetly in his mouth.

We don't know where Neville is heading — perhaps he's going to Target or out to get a Pup Cup at Starbucks — but he was aiming to get there ASAP.

Related: Basset Hound 'Throws a Fit' Like a Human Kid After Mom Turns Off 'The Little Mermaid'

"Neville! Neville — are you going shopping?" his mom asked him from behind the camera. "Neville, let me see," she pleaded.

But like any good thief, Neville took off and didn't look back. You can't even see what's in his mouth until he settles on his bed and the credit card is revealed. Something tells us he's looking at a new chew toy at PetSmart, but don't tell his mama that!

The people were rooting for Neville to get away with it. "Nah he’s going CHOMPIN,'" joked one commenter. "I would be following him around ALL day!" someone else admitted. "There is literally nothing better than a Basset baby!!!" another commenter exclaimed. "The proud trot as I call it. The 'I didn't do anything wrong look,'" chimed in someone else.

Basset Hound Personalities

Neville is your typical Basset Hound — he's just a little bit stubborn. They do have their good sides, mind you. Hounds are sociable, extroverted, happy-go-lucky, and can become pretty miserable if left alone for too long. They are devoted family dogs and feel their best when they're with their "pack."

Then there's the breed's less than ideal qualities. Bassets have a nasty stubborn streak and are very independent if they aren't trained properly from the start. Bassets can become unruly fairly quickly, and an unruly Basset is really a handful.

Remember how we said that Bassets don't like being alone? We weren't exaggerating. If left alone a Basset will howl and howl. They'll also start digging holes in the yard — which is bad news for your flowers.

That being said, we'd still choose a Basset Hound any day of the week. These dogs are incredibly loving, no "flaw" can convince us to not love this breed. A Basset will be your true companion for life if you let them be. And sure, they might "borrow" your credit card every now and again. But that's what keeps dog ownership interesting. Or so we'll be telling ourselves the next time our Target RedCard magically disappears.

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