Beagle Starts Preparing for Dinner an Hour Before It’s Time and It’s Too Cute


Dogs seem to have an innate ability to know exactly when to expect their meals...almost down to the minute! Kiki and Koko are adorable Beagles and they're no exception to this - when dinnertime starts to get close, they start to prepare for it! Their paw-rents shared a video on Tuesday, July 23rd of what happens an hour before dinner is served, and it'll make you smile.

One of the Beagles had overturned her food bowl and was licking it, almost as if she was looking for crumbs. She must be starving! She then turns the bowl right side up and looks for food. Why isn't there food in the bowl? In the caption, the Beagle's paw-rents ask, "Is she trying to tell us something?"

Yep, I'm very sure she's trying to tell them something! She knows dinner's coming soon but doesn't want to wait. She wants to eat NOW! Commenters who owned Beagles could also relate. @beagle farm said, "I thought my Beagles were the only ones who threw their bowls around for food and water. Very demanding!" @Wall-eTheBeagle didn't even try to deny it, "Guilty as charged." @Evelyn Madrid laughed, "Beagles are always hungry! LOL!" and @Tracey Morris added, "Mine just goes and angry barks at my husband. Loudly." I don't have a Beagle, but this is all familiar to me too!

Related: Beagle Puppy's Determination to Eat His Brother's Food Is Full of Laughs

Do Beagles Make Good Pets?

When we decided as a family that we wanted to get a dog, all of us agreed that a Beagle would be a good one. We started to do some research to learn more about them because I know that just because a dog is cute doesn't mean it would make a good pet for every family.

Another Pet Helpful article shared why Beagles are the best, and the list is tempting:

  1. Beagles are always happy.

  2. Beagles like to cuddle.

  3. Beagles love kids.

  4. Beagles are extremely intelligent.

  5. Beagles have low-maintenance coats.

  6. Beagles are exceptional hunters.

While these six reasons are all great reasons to consider a Beagle, I know better than to just look at the good qualities that a dog breed has because every positive has a negative. If you're considering getting a new pooch you have to consider the good, the bad, and the ugly to determine if the breed will suit your family's lifestyle.

We know Beagles are adorable, and cuddly and big lovers, and they are notorious for stealing any and all food that they can get their hands on. They're known for being master food thieves! And thanks to their loose lips and low-hanging jowls, they're also big droolers. Potty training a Beagle can also be difficult.

Beagles are also noisy and love to bark and a matter of fact, IHeartDogs rates them as the Number 1 noisiest breed, even over Siberian Huskies! That reason alone is enough for me to pass on choosing a Beagle. We had very yappy West Highland Terriers and all of their barking drove me nuts!

But there's one thing that immediately made me say no to getting a Beagle. Beagles have a natural musky scent that comes from their skin oils and sweat glands. Even after regular baths, grooming, and air fresheners, their natural scent may still linger. After learning all of this, we decided that a Beagle wouldn't be the right fit for our family.

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