Beakless Goose Eats Cantaloupe Like a Pro in Priceless Video

CC ournature_is_amazing/Shutterstock

Casper isn't like the other geese at CWR Rescue and Sanctuary — he's special. A tragic accident left the Canada goose beakless, an injury that could be life-ending for a bird. But Casper has defied all expectations. Not only has he survived the incident, he's now living his best life.

Video of Casper munching on some cantaloupe sans beak has gone viral online.

The goose caught the attention of several people online in a video shared by the rescue. So they decided to feature Casper in a follow-up clip and shared his very special story.

Related: Goose Does Cutest ‘Happy Dance’ Out of Joy Over Playing in Mud

Casper is "different from the other geese at our rescue," the video's text overlay reads.

"He lost his beak when he was attacked by a snapping turtle in the wild," they explained.

The rescue medically treated Casper's injuries and they've "considered a prosthetic beak."

"We've worked with avian prosthesis before and there's a lot to consider for prosthesis candidates," they explained. The question usually rests on whether or not the bird can adapt to life without a beak. In this case, Casper could.

"Casper is an anomaly," they wrote. He has adapted to life better than "99 percent" of other beak-injury patients. He's really living a full life.

People in the comments section were so happy for Casper. "He looks like a very spirited sock puppet, I love him," one person joked. "I can’t begin to express how much I love him!! I’d kill for him!! In fact, where’s that turtle?! I just want to talk," someone else teased. "Literally crying showing my husband. He’s doing so good. I love him. He’s so cute," another person chimed in. "Now this app has me crying over a beakless goose," admitted one commenter.

Casper Also Loves Blueberries

A previous video on the rescue's page shows Casper really going to town on some blueberries. He handled the fruit like a pro. You would never know that he didn't have a beak.

"Yesterday we got a generous donation of blueberries from a local produce vendor, so of course the berries went out to the birds immediately!" the rescue wrote in the video's caption. "Even though Casper looks different from the other geese, he was eating just as joyfully as any of them."

There's nothing that Casper can't do. The bird has even started a family! Casper is proof that anything is possible. Nothing seems to have held him back — not even one bit.

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