Beautiful Windhounds Next-Level Zoomies Will Exhaust Anyone Just By Watching Them

One of the most adorable dog quirks is watching your pup get a case of the zoomies. Whether that be after a nap, a bath, or for absolutely no reason at all, watching your pup run around in circles like a wild thing is just too funny.

One dog who is an absolute expert at zoomies is a beautiful Silken Windhound who will exhaust you just watching her do her thing. Check this out and get ready for a nap. She's just all over the place. Her zoomies are one for the rescord books!

The hilariously wild video was shared by the TikTok account for @Cleolonglegs and people have very strong opinions about Cleo. One person said, "Silken Wind Hound zoomies are next level. I used to dog sit one. the walks were insane." Another person added, "I love how she just levitates." Someone else replied, "She's like those ferret tail things attached to a ball that were huge in the early 2000s." LOL! Our dog used to have one of those!

Related: Silken Windhound's 'First Day at the Office' Is Totally Irresistible

One person said, "That is a very large squirrel." LOL! I can see that!  Another Silken Windhound owner added a hilarious comment with, "Silkens have maximum skedaddle." That is so true! So what's it like owning one of these beautiful dogs? Read on!

Is a Silken Windhound the Right Dog For You?

They sure are beautiful dogs! <p>Houndl/Shutterstock</p>
They sure are beautiful dogs!


One thing about Silken Windhounds, unless you can find a rescue, these dogs don't come cheap and getting one from a breeder will run you around $3,000-$4,000.

Silken explains, "Silken Windhounds are known for their friendly dispositions and make excellent family pets. They are happiest when sharing family activities. They are easily trainable and eager to please. Like other sighthounds, Silken Windhounds need room to run and exercise daily, but inside they are normally quiet and well-behaved. They require little grooming and are naturally clean and tidy."

Silken Wind Hounds can live almost anywhere, from spall apartments to giant houses, but they do appreciate having space to run and play as you can see above. A fenced yard is ideal but even access to a close park can work for these dogs. Also walks to help them get their ya-yas out!

These dogs do love lots of attention and affection (Like most dogs!) and do benefit from training when young. Especially with the "come" command so if yours gets the zoomies you can call him back to you!

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