Bernese Mountain Puppy ‘Mauls’ the Family Cat and It’s Too Cute


Like our kids, cats and dogs can get along sometimes and fight like, well, cats and dogs at other times. Bernoulli is an adorable Bernese Mountain puppy who loves to harass, I mean play, with the family's cat, Ginger. His parents shared a video on Monday, July 22nd of the two 'co-existing' together and it's the cutest thing you'll see today!

The video starts with Ginger sitting by the door looking outside. Bernoulli's mom is pleasantly surprised to see the two of them together and asks if they're co-existing. Flash forward to another clip showing Bernoulli 'mauling' the cat and getting scolded for it. The cat is so calm and chill about the whole scene!

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I cracked up when I saw the white board and that the family keeps track of how many days Bernoulli can go without mauling the cat! And Bernoulli's face is just the cutest as he looks up at his paw-rents with those big eyes like he doesn't know what he did's adorable! @missjazzydoodle agreed, "It was the look on Bernoulli’s face after the sign for me LOL!"

Commenter @lemonparade01 tried to justify Bernoulli's actions, "Ok but he looks like he has 0 brain cells (respectfully) and we all know le orange cats also have 0 brain cells, so I mean..." @educatedhousewife1874 wondered the same thing I did, "What is the record?" to which Bernoulli's parents replied, "We don't want to talk about it."

Related: Bernese Mountain Puppy Can't Stop Leaping in Any Bush He Sees

Can Cats and Dogs Get Along?

One question that gets asked a lot is whether or not cats and dogs can learn to get along, and the answer is that it depends. If you bring a kitten or puppy home to an older pet, yes it can be done. But if you bring an older cat or dog home to others, it might be more difficult. That's not to say it's impossible, but the transition may take longer and have more snags along the way.

If you're like Bernoulli's family and already have a cat and want to bring home a dog (or vice versa) there are some things to consider before doing so. You'll have to closely supervise the two after they are introduced (this should be a very brief introduction just to let them both know the other one is there) to ensure their safety around each other. We used to have West Highland Terriers, and before we brought home our second one, we got one of her blankets and brought it home for our first one to sniff and get used to. It seemed to work!

Make sure that both the cat and dog have their own beds, toys, etc. and teach them to respect the other's. You can feed them at the same time, but they should also have their own feeding spots away from each other. Your cat will want to get away from the dog, so make sure there are safe zones (AKA hiding spots) for it to go to that your dog can't access. And of course, through all of this, provide both of them with lots of positive reinforcement to encourage continued positive behavior.

During this time, you'll definitely need patience! Give the two time to get to know each other. Stay positive and calm, even when they're having a bad day together. Before you know it, they'll be friends (or will at least hopefully learn to tolerate each other)!

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