Black Lab Happily Greets Neighbor With a Big Bag of Trash

A happy black Labrador Retriever<p>JW.photography31 via Shutterstock</p>
A happy black Labrador Retriever

JW.photography31 via Shutterstock

Some pet breeds, particularly cats and certain types of dogs, have an affinity for bringing little "gifts" to their favorite humans. For cats, it's usually dead mice and other small animals that they've hunted (gee, thanks). For dogs, they may collect items like toys, clothes, blankets, and the classic slippers and newspaper combo (though you might need to train your dog to collect those last two items specifically).

But some dogs get a little... unconventional, let's say, with their gift selection. Take this adorable Black Lab, who chose to say "Good Morning" to their neighbor by... bringing her a big bag of trash.

Oh, boy... on one hand, @bodhibritt was still excited to greet her neighbor's exuberant and friendly black Labrador Retriever, even if they were hauling a full bag of garbage meant for the trash collector. It's just too bad that the dog had to carry that trash bag upside-down!

Related: Labrador at Boarding Facility Is a Ray of Sunshine with Her Sweet Smiles for Staff

Ah, well. The best laid plans of mice and men (and dogs) often go awry. Britt and her followers knew that even if the pup's gift greeting didn't play out quite as planned, it's the thought that counts!

"He was so excited till it opened and the sad whine of 'Oh no!'" @leinaala3 sympathized.

"Labs just want to be the most helpful little helpers even when they are most certainly not, haha," @mrs.mangini chuckled.

As for why this friendly dog chose a bag of trash specifically, @generic_user_0 had a theory: "It must've seemed like an incredible bouquet of smells to the pup." Well, when you put it that way, I guess this really was the canine equivalent of getting someone a bouquet of roses. What a romantic gesture!

What's in a Name?

To anyone who's ever spent much time around Labrador Retrievers, this kind of behavior isn't very surprising (though perhaps this specific choice of gift was). After all, Labrador Retrievers were specifically bred to retrieve things like game and waterfowl - it's in their name!

Labrador Retrievers still make great hunting dogs to this day, but their intelligence, keen noses, and willingness to please are good for more than just sniffing out game (or particularly pungent trash). According to, these traits make Labrador Retriever well-suited for a number of important jobs, including working as cancer-sniffing dogs. On a less serious note, Retrievers are curious pups who will put their mouths on anything, and they take playing fetch very seriously. It's a great way for them to get exercise and flex their natural retrieving instincts!

Of course, this pup's parents might want to train their dog not to rummage through rubbish, lest funny yet troublesome trash fiasco happen again. Still, this adorably awkward greeting only speaks to the affable, outgoing nature that makes these lovely labs such a popular family dog breed - even if their tastes in gift selection leave something to be desired!

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