Black Labrador Allowing Ducks to Gently Clean Him Is the Sweetest Thing

CC JW.photography31/Shutterstock

Some dogs have the sweetest temperament. Nothing bothers them, not even a group of eager ducks. Just like one Black Lab, who was so unbothered as the ducks adorably cleaned his fur.

We can tell that the dog has such a gentle spirit. He didn't scare the ducks, nor did he seem annoyed by their presence.

Something tells us that this has happened before.

Related: Black Lab Happily Greets Neighbor With a Big Bag of Trash

In the footage, the Black Labrador Retriever was just sitting on the ground as the ducks made quick work of cleaning him. The birds were gathered around the Lab's back. We love their little quacks as they chomped and pecked at him.

"The sweetest girl," the pup's mama praised in the caption.

Isn't this just the cutest? People in the comments section were practically obsessed. "It’s like being at the hair salon," joked one person. "I wonder what they’re saying," another commenter added. "Not to be dramatic but I would defend these guys like a knight, serving under them until the end of my days," teased one person.

A second video on their page shows that this pup wasn't the only one who made peace with the ducks. A Yellow Lab on the property was similarly cool with having the ducks clean his fur.

"My gentle yellow boy," his owner praised in the caption. Could you imagine having two of the nicest dogs ever living under one roof? They have one very lucky owner.

Gentlest Dog Breeds

Different dog breeds have different strengths. Labs are surely up there, as far as most gentle dog breeds go. In fact, Labs are often the top picks for family dogs and are often used as service animals. These dogs are also known for their loyalty, intelligence, and physical prowess too. A Labrador Retriever wouldn't hurt a fly.

Another great dog breed known for being sweet is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. In fact, these dogs are often known as lap dogs because of their pleasant disposition. These dogs also get along well with kids and other animals too

Irish Setters love being social. They also make great family dogs and are really smart. You do need to have a lot of energy to have an Irish Setter. They're active dogs who need a lot of exercise.

There's a reason why Newfies are known as gentle giants. They are extremely calm despite their large size. Newfoundlands also make great watch dogs and are very protective over their families.

These are just a few breeds that have peaceful personalities. But there are so many more out there who are gentle as can be.

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