Blind Rescue Cow's Sweet Greeting for Her Caretaker Is Absolutely Beautiful


Gaining an animal's trust isn't easy. For some, it can be a long and tedious process. But it's almost always worth it. Take one woman at the Uncle Neil's Home animal sanctuary, who was so patient when trying to get a blind cow to come to her. Thankfully, the cow is an extreme sweetie and was totally worth the wait.

Honestly, who wouldn't love Helen? The cow is so gentle and cute. Her caretakers just needed to learn how to communicate with the cattle and get her to trust them.

Helen is a blind cow, so it takes some adjustments to make sure she can get around. As the video from Uncle Neil's Home shows, her caretakers worked on getting Helen to respond to their voices.

Related: Sanctuary's New Cow Finds Comfort in Ball That Belonged to Their Beloved Late Blind Resident

"Hi Helen!" a female caretaker said to her from behind the camera. To which Helen replied with a welcoming "Moooooo."

The woman then skillfully directed Helen to her and gave the cow some head scratches. Helen loved it! She even stuck out her big, cow tongue. Although it did take Helen a few minutes to get a sense of where she was going.

The comments section was absolutely smitten with Helen. "Omg!! The sideways tongue licks to greet your touch says it all!" praised one commenter. "She’s beautiful. Your relationship with her is beautiful! Thank you for loving her," another person praised. "Get her a giant ball. Another TikToker’s blind cow loves hers," someone else suggested. "Cows are just big field puppies. So much more intelligent than you may think," another commenter pointed out.

Helen and Uncle Neil’s Home

The video was shot last winter when Helen was just starting her journey with the animal sanctuary. The sanctuary explained that the video was just an example of how "intelligent and communicative" Helen is, "and how her inability to see really doesn’t slow her down at all," they wrote.

Another video on their page shows Helen navigating herself to a lunch date with her cow BFF Margaret. She knew exactly how to get to her pal.

"They are absolute treasures and have been completely in love from the moment they met," the sanctuary wrote in the caption. "Helen and Margaret forever."

It just goes to show that Helen has adapted to her new surroundings splendidly. As the sanctuary wrote in the caption of the first video, the cow "amazes us every single day."

"We find it truly impossible to put into words how much joy Helen brings to this world," they added. "She is an absolute treasure. We love you, precious, perfect Helen."

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