Border Collie's Complete Lack of Effort While Herding Sheep Somehow Turns Out Perfectly

Pic Media Aus/Shutterstock

Even for those who sincerely enjoy their jobs, there are bound to be days when you want to do the bare minimum. Whether you're feeling under the weather or a coworker is getting on your nerves, it can feel so much better to mentally check out for a while. Unfortunately, the job still has to be done!

No matter what kind of day you had at work today, you're bound to get a kick out of this Border Collie's impressive lack of effort while on the clock. It's quite comical to see just how little the farm dog does as a herd of sheep thunder toward him, but the true feat is how he successfully herds the sheep without moving a muscle.

It's no surprise that sheep farmer @shyrish1994's June 21 video has taken off on TikTok--it's just too cool to resist!

LOL! My first reaction was to giggle at the way the sheep put on the brakes and turned around so quickly, but on second thought, this is actually very impressive.  Either this farm dog is so good at his job that simply the sight of him keeps the sheep in line, or this was the most impressive, adorable fluke!

Related: Australian Shepherd's Major Fail at Sheep Herding Class Is Both Hilarious and Impressive

If I had to bet on it, I'd guess that it's the former. This beautiful Border Collie can be seen in several older TikTok videos, so he's certainly no stranger around the farm. The herd of sheep likely knows that he'll just herd them back if they pass by him! He seems like a firm guardian who takes his job very seriously, after all, and he won't let anyone get lost on his watch.

This short clip from the Montana sheep farm has gone viral around the world, with hilarious comments to enjoy in both English and Spanish. While some viewers can't help but compare the stoic herding dog and his lack of action to "a Monty Python skit," another person thought of a perfect seasonal reference: "Put it in reverse, Terry!" OMG! This Fourth of July meme will live forever in Millenials' hearts, and I have to admit, it is the perfect reference for the herd's quick change of plan.

What Do Herding Dogs Do?

A 'Herding Dog' can refer to one of two things: either a group of dog breeds that were developed specifically for their herding skills or a dog of any breed that's been trained to herd farm animals. This kind of training often starts in puppyhood with exposure to different animals and happenings on the farm, though not every dog who begins herding training ends up working with the animals. Some are better suited as companions or farmhands!

A herding dog's main job is to direct a herd of animals from one location to another. In this video, he sits at an opening of a paddock as a way of telling the sheep, "Not this way," and they respond without him needing to move a muscle. No matter how you describe it--that's impressive!

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