Boxer Is Stuck in the House and Decides to Make It 'Everyone’s Problem'

CC JMP - Janos Mezei Photo/Shutterstock

There are outdoor people and there are indoor people. And there are outdoor dogs and indoor dogs. And when an outdoor dog is stuck inside all day, they go a little stir crazy. A Boxer named Reuben in Virginia is an example of this. The dog does not like being cooped up in the house, as a hilarious new video shows.

Reuben wasn't just a little annoyed by the rain. It really bothered him. And when Reuben was bothered, everyone else had to feel his pain.

Hmmmm, we think the dog wanted some attention don't you? In the video shared by the dog's owner, it shows Reuben causing chaos for the rest of the family. First he went off and started bothering his Boxer sibling. He then followed that up with the most withering stare at his owner. Um, hello. Can't you see I'm in PAIN? he seemed to say.

Related: Boxer Dog for Sings 'Like Something Out of a Graveyard' and People Are Here for It

"When Reuben can’t play outside because it’s raining, everybody pays," his owner joked in the caption.

The comments section was cracking up over Reuben's temper tantrum. "He's def waiting for someone to ask him whats wrong," joked one commenter. "The fact that your other dog doesn’t seem phased by the constant cobbing means this probably happens a lot," someone else pointed out. "Reuben is full of sass and chomps," another person teased. "The other dog is just like 'ugh here we go again!'" one commenter kidded.

Entertaining Your Dog When It Rains

Rainy days might be nice for humans (who doesn't like to be cozied up under a blanket when it's raining outside?) but pets are a different story. If you have a dog that could mean missing out on outside walks and exercise. Which is a big deal if they need a lot of activity.

If you are looking for a way to keep your dog entertained, games can be the answer. They don't have to be complicated either. Tug of war is a game that your dog will love and will be easy for them to understand. Get a tug rope or braid or use an old t-shirt cut into strips and braided. If you knot one end of your t-shirt braid, you basically have a D.I.Y. rope.

Fetch is an oldie but a goodie. Your dog definitely has a favorite tennis ball and has begged you to play while you've been on your Zoom calls in the past. A rainy day is the perfect time to give in.

Don't underestimate the power of giving your dog some attention. They love you! So if you really want to make their rainy day, try and give them some one-on-one time.

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