Brave Sheep Who Escaped Slaughter Become Instant Besties at New Sanctuary

CC Stasis Photo/Shutterstock

When we bond with animals, it's adorable. But when animals bond with each other it's really something else. Like two sheep on the internet who've found each other after the worst almost happened. And now people are cheering for the special friendship that Walt and Waldo have.

The buddies were destined for the slaughterhouse, until they were separately rescued by the Woodstock Sanctuary in Upstate New York.

Call it fate or call it destiny, but both Walt and Waldo somehow escaped slaughter operations. They were at different slaughterhouses before coming to the rescue, which is why it was so special that the organization captured the moment they met.

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As the video shows, Walt was a little nervous of Waldo at first. The younger sheep must've seemed like a baby to the older animal.

"Who is this kid?" the rescue joked in the onscreen caption.

But things took a real turn when they were allowed to explore the property together. You can see the two slowly build some trust in each other and before long Waldo was glued to Walt's side. Walt's his hero! And it doesn't seem like Walt minds the admiration.

Doesn't it just bring a tear to your eye? Things could've ended up so differently for these two, but now they'll spend their lives living peacefully on the farm. "This just made my day better!! Thank you!" gushed one commenter. "What a great story! They look so happy," someone else cheered. "Waldo's double take was absolutely adorable," one commenter praised. "Thank you, I am crying here. So happy for them both," chimed in another commenter.

The Woodstock Farm Animal Rescue

Walt and Waldo's story is just one of many successes at Woodstock Farm Animal Rescue. The rescue has been around for 20 years and has touched the lives of so many animals.

Their mission is to end animal agriculture by rescuing farm animals like Walt and Waldo. They then give them a lifelong home and sanctuary, so they'll never be in danger again. Woodstock takes in a variety of animals, like cows, goats, bunnies, chickens, pigs, turkeys, ducks, and geese.

You can also visit Walt and Waldo at Woodstock. That's right, you can meet the besties IRL. The rescue performs both educational private and public tours to the public. And who knows, maybe you'll meet other animal pals!

If the animal rescue's message has touched your heart, you can volunteer or donate to their organization. You personally might be able to change an animal's life.

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