British Longhair Cat Launches Surprise Attack and It’s Adorable Chaos

CC Eric Isselee/Shutterstock

You never know what's going to happen with Alfred around. The British Longhair cat is a real livewire. In fact people would probably not believe the chaos the little guy causes. Thankfully his owners took video proof of their cat's antics during one his "surprise attacks."

It was Alfie Ambush! That's what we'll call the way that Alfie surprised his owner and then ran away.

The video shows the cat taking a running start to leap up onto his owner's bed — then he pounced. Attaaaack!

Thankfully the cat is more of a lover than a fighter. The fire left the British Longhair pretty much the second he landed on the bed. He was over it, although he still checked to see if he'd successfully scared his owner.

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Alfie's visit wasn't over yet. He rolled over and played dead before hopping off the bed and leaving the room completely.

"What is going on in that brain?" the cat's owner joked in the caption.

The comments section couldn't figure it out either. "He thought he was gonna get a lot further on his pounce attack, so he ran away out of embarrassment," joked one person. "Cats are born with a sense of humor and trickery," another commenter suggested. "It’s like being attacked by a s’more," teased another commenter. "I dropped my phone, I was so scared," one person kidded.

All About British Longhair Cats

Playful and easy going, British Longhairs really are the best cats. Unlike other cats, British Longhairs have super thick fur. They're like little lions. It goes perfectly with their mischievous personalities too.

British Longhairs love their humans, but they're little tricksters too. They have very playful personalities. Although as they get older they're more likely to plot or plan their schemes, rather than physically starting some disarray. But they still do like getting into trouble.

They aren't bad cats, however. In fact, these cats are more likely to be too trusting to be allowed out into the real world.  They do best inside the house or within the safe walls of a catio. They also are very low-maintenance. They won't demand attention or affection, but you still should make the effort to pay attention to them and give them lots of social time.

Because of all that fur, they do need daily grooming — be prepared for cat hair. Their fluffy appearance is what makes them so distinct, but it also means that you'll spend lots of your time picking cat hair off of your clothes.

For the most part, these cats are loving, spunky pets. Just make sure you're down for a little mayhem.

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