British nationals evacuated from Sudan reunited with relatives


British nationals evacuated from Sudan have been reunited with relatives and loved ones at Stansted Airport, with one man describing the conflict as a “nightmare”.

Women with small children and babies in prams were among approximately 300 people who were flown from Sudan, as well as elderly individuals in wheelchairs.

Many clutched Red Cross parcels as they left the buses taking them into the airport.

Family members and friends were waiting anxiously in the arrivals lounge and car park for the flight to arrive.

People evacuated from Sudan arrive on a flight from Cyprus into Stansted Airport in Essex
People evacuated from Sudan arrive on a flight from Cyprus into Stansted Airport in Essex (Paul Marriott/PA)

One man from Sudan, who did not give his name, described his experience as a “nightmare”.

Speaking outside the airport, he said: “It’s absolutely fantastic to be back. It’s been a nightmare. We’ve never seen anything like it before.

“We saw it on the television before but we never thought it was going to happen to a peaceful country like Sudan.

“Khartoum is like a ghost city, everyone is leaving Khartoum now.

“We are very grateful to the British servicemen and women who risked their lives to come to Sudan and help us out.

“There are more people stranded there and I think there should be more awareness to those stranded. We were very lucky but not everyone was as lucky we are.

“I was in the middle of the conflict. There was bombing and shelling, the house next to us was shelled. It was like a Bond movie, I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
