Bunny’s Persistent Attempt to Cuddle up to Independent Cat Gets an ‘A’ for Effort


If you have a pet at home, then you know that most of them have no sense of personal space. Many of them love nothing more than sitting as close to you as possible, including right on top of you. Denzel the rabbit and Tink the Maine Coon cat are siblings, and while Denzel would love nothing more than to cuddle up with Tink, Tink would love nothing more than to be left alone, far away from Denzel.

Their humans shared a video on Thursday, September 12th of what happens when Denzel tries to hang out with Tink. Denzel gets right up in Tink's business, and Tink slowly and casually rolls away, trying to avoid a confrontation. Denzel decides to try his luck again...and again! Watch what happens each time Denzel tries - their 'conversation' is the best!

It appears that any cuddling is a big NO for Tink the Maine Coon, but wow, Denzel is persistent! The rabbit wasn't going to take no for an answer and never gave up on trying to get closer to his sister.

Commenter @lunalee957 made me laugh when she admitted, "If that ain’t both sides of my personality, depending on the day, time, and company LOL!" @Kleo shared, "Meanwhile my bunny gets all annoyed and grooms himself for hours after my dog grooms him LOL! They’re besties but God forbid my dog's dirty mouth touches him. End of the world!" We have a pet rabbit too, and he won't even let our dog get anywhere near him!

Related: Maine Coon Cat's Annoyance Over Rabbit's Lack of Personal Space Is a Riot

Can Rabbits and Cats Get Along?

Even though Tink didn't want anything to do with Denzel, it's clear that the two at least tolerate each other and can live together peacefully. Is their relationship normal? Can rabbits and cats really get along and become friends? Tink's human answered this question in response to one of the commenters, "Growing up together definitely helps as opposed to introducing adult cats to rabbits, but it’s so important to always supervise and never allow stalking or any rough play."

Tink's human is actually spot on. While many of us might think that there's no way cats and rabbits can get along, especially since feral cats and wild cats hunt rabbits as prey, many cats can learn to live with them, especially if introduced to each other at a young age.

Introductions should be made slowly and will probably take more than one meeting. You may want to start by just allowing the animals to see each other without getting close to each other to see how they'll react. Make sure they can't actually touch each other the first few times you put them together and work your way up to contact. With some patience and luck, many animal species can become great friends, Tink and Denzel included!

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