Calico Cat Obsessed With Hair Ties Fights Epic Tug-of-War Battle with Herself

Poppy Pix/Shutterstock

Pets can be so entertaining, especially because they are so easily entertained. They'll become fascinated with the most random household objects, whether big or small, and they'll remember it for years to come. My senior rescue dog still remembers finding crumbs beneath the cushions of grandma's living room couch, and he flips over all the cushions every time he visits, even 10 years later!

For @sharkgirl_elisse's Calico cat named Mouse, hair ties are the hidden treasure she's always hunting for. She's bold enough to paw through her mom's purse in search of goodies, but the silliest moment happened on September 13 when she spotted a hair tie on the bathroom sink. It was looped around the faucet, though, so the curious cat ended up playing a game of tug-of-war with herself while trying to get the hair tie!

LOL! This playful kitty isn't giving up on getting that hair tie, not even after sliding uncontrollably across the counter. It sounds like it's not the first time this has happened, either, but the cat owner still has no idea what her buddy is trying to accomplish.

Related: 2-Year-Old Pug in England Named 'Ham' Devours a Whopping 60 Hair Ties

When a commenter asked, "What was the goal?" Elisse answered honestly: "I don't know. She just loves doing that." Fair enough! This looks like fun for a cat to do, especially if they love playing tug-of-war, but a second TikTok video of Mouse diving into Elisse's purse seems to suggest a fascination with hair ties, too. Whatever she's trying to do, she has no idea just how many people she's entertained in the process. Nearly 11 million viewers have seen the video so far!

Another commenter mentioned, "I wonder if she thinks the hair tie is dragging her toward the sink. " That could be the answer! It would explain why she's scrambling so quickly to get away, but it doesn't explain why she doesn't let go of the hair tie in the first place. If you ask me, she definitely enjoys these slippery shenanigans.

Cat Toys To Play With Together

Mouse the Calico cat may enjoy slipping and sliding across the bathroom counter, but there are so many cat toys she could try instead. Wand toys, catnip-filled toys, and small plushies are some of the more popular choices out there, but there's no way to predict what your cat may or may not like.

Long or wand toys may be the best bet for cats who like to play by tugging. These toys are designed for a feline to chase and catch, but true tug-of-war aficionados may need something sturdier, like a dog toy, to practice with.

This calico cat's bathroom mishap is just one example of how cats can become invested in the smallest things. If Mouse hunts for hair ties, I can't help but wonder what other 'human things' she enjoys! Hopefully, we don't get to find out anytime soon.
