California Vet Clinic Throws Cat 'Purrty' and It’s Definitely a Rager

CC Axel Bueckert/Shutterstock

Have you ever been at the vet's office and wondered what they did in the back room? Well we now have our answer. The McGrath Veterinary Center in Sherman Oaks, California recently shared a video of the "purrity" they threw for their patients. And TBH, we're sort of jealous we didn't get an invite.

The vet center took us behind the curtain. Well, well, well, we guess our animals are having a real blast back there.

As the video shows, one of the vet's was so confused when their kitten patients were nowhere to be seen. Where oh where could they be?

Related: 'Unwanted' Exotic Shorthair Kitten Adopted by Veterinarian She Was Surrendered To

With the vet techs! But when the camera took us back to the patient room it seemed like there was a party going on. The kittens were whooping it up, dancing to some house music and busting a move on the operating table. Hmmm, well you don't see that everyday.

"It's a kitten PURRTY," the video's caption reads.

This is the only kind of party we want to go to. "Name of club? Looks dope. I’m going!" someone else in the comments section agreed. "The one vet that's so dialed in on the kitty dance moves," someone else pointed out. "Ugh their little kitten potbellies," one commenter gushed. "This is what I’m talking about when I say I should be in the club," joked another commenter.

Animals That Can Dance

Okay, we have to admit something. Those kittens weren't actually dancing all on their own. The techs were doing all the work. However, there are animals that really can get busy on the dance floor. Here are just a few that could totally be a contestant on So You Think You Can Dance?

Birds have been known to shuffle back and forth while listening to their favorite tunes. Now this might not be the most advanced dance moves, we admit it. But they definitely have a sense of movement and are rocking out to the music.

Snakes have been known to slither here and there. And some people have called their movement a form of dancing. Again, it's debateable. They aren't necessarily doing the waltz but are cutting a rug in their own way.

We'd argue that dogs aren't the best solo dancers. But there's no one else we'd rather dance with than our pups. It's cheating just a little bit, because again, we're guiding them. But we'd also argue that dancing is about having fun with someone you care about. So this definitely fits the bill.

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