Camera Perfectly Captures Moment Golden Retriever Puppy Realizes His Crate Isn't Latched


As cute as puppies are, anyone who's had the pleasure of raising one knows just how challenging it can be. Between the frequent potty breaks, the extra energy, and the puppies' destructive tendencies, it's a lot to handle all at once! It's bound to leave your mind a bit fried, especially if your puppy keeps you up at night, and little hiccups are bound to happen. Maybe you'll drink out of a water glass your pup found first, or perhaps you'll put their harness on backward, but one dog dad's blunder is going viral for how cute and relatable it is.

Otis, the Golden Retriever puppy, was relaxing in his crate when he realized the door wasn't actually shut! Dad forgot to close the latch, but Furbo recorded the precious moment when Otis realized he was free on July 29. It's just too cute!

LOL! This sweet little Golden Retriever was doing so well in his crate before he realized what was different this time. Clearly, crate training is going well! This baby was so relaxed in his crate, even lying on his back in the ultimate display of comfort, but he was much more intrigued with what was going on outside of the crate. And who can blame him?

Related: Adorable Golden Retriever Puppy ‘Fake Sleeps’ Upon Hearing the Word ‘Crate'

Commenters like @ashleytinav also laughed at the part of the video "when he realized he was touching the floor." Confusion turned into curiosity so quickly! Otis couldn't help but look around to make sure his parents weren't waiting just around the corner, but it didn't take long before he was spying out the window, too! If only his parents had shown his fans what he got up to once he had triple-checked that he was alone. He seems like he could be a little troublemaker!

Pet Cameras Capturing Memories

While not every dog gets up to shenanigans that would go viral on TikTok, having a pet camera can help dog owners check in on their fur babies whenever they feel the need. It can give them peace of mind to know that they can see what their pups are up to, but some cameras like the Furbo also allow pet parents to talk to their dogs, listen to them, or even dispense treats while they're away!

These fancy pet cameras aren't a necessity, but they can have many benefits. As a bonus, you'll even get video snippets of memories and moments you would've otherwise missed. Just ask Otis's parents--they were able to solve the mystery of how this Golden Retriever puppy escaped his crate!

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