Cat Mom Has Kitty Convinced He’s the ‘Protector of the House’ and It’s Adorable

CC Freddy Sky/Shutterstock

Raising a cat isn't easy. Cats in general aren't easy. They aren't the best listeners and will always do what they want. But you do need to let them express those inherent feline instincts. Just like one cat owner did, when she set up a fun toy in her home so her black cat would feel like her "protector."

Cats have always been mousers, which is why the woman decided to set up some "hunting time" for her cat Biggy.

Shhhh, no one tell Biggy the truth. The black cat doesn't need to know he's not really hunting prey. It's really important that the cat believes he's going after a mouse. It makes him feel all manly and tough.

Related: Black Cat Has Cutest Way of Keeping Dad Honest During Home Gym Pull-Up Session

The clip shows the cat patiently waiting until the right moment. Then he pounced!

"My indoor cat thinking he's the protector of the house because we give him scheduled 'hunting time,'" his mom teased in the text overlay.

Biggy isn't the only cat who needs a little hunting time. "My cat thinks it’s hunting time every second of the day," lamented one commenter. "He was getting AT IT," someone else teased. "I knew it was coming, I still jumped. Loved the timing," added another commenter. "My cat seems extremely mad because he can’t get the ball out," kidded another person.

Training Your Cat to Hunt Mice

While not everyone appreciates a cat's hunting instinct, some people specifically get a cat to keep rodents at bay. Cats can be an effective way to keep your mouse problem in check, but if your cat is a little reluctant to go after a mouse or isn't the best at catching them, there are ways to help.

Training your cat to be a mouser takes some time but is worth it. And you can do it pretty easily too. Cat toys are a good place to start. Things like a cat wand or electronic toy mice are ways to get your cat pouncing. You'll want to get creative and make little games for your cat to practice their hunting skills.

Another good way to train your cat is to have an older cat show them the way. It's like they have a mentor who will show them the ropes. Female cats tend to be better mousers than males, so if you know someone with an older female cat you might ask them to come and visit.

When your cat does bring you a mouse, make sure you praise them. You want them to know the behavior is a good thing! And hopefully it'll encourage them to keep working on their hunting skills.

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