Cat Mom Ranks Times Ginger Cat Got Annoyed by Golden Retriever Brother & It's Priceless

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I often wonder if my cat is really as annoyed as the noises she emits make her sound. Maybe it’s not her, she just has a naturally whiney quality to her voice. There’s a theory that says adult cats actually don’t meow around each other—just around humans—and that the sounds like make are designed to mimic the crying sounds of a human baby, as they are most likely to get our attention. I don’t know how accurate that is, though. My cat doesn’t sound so much like a baby as she does an extremely irritated roommate.

That is, her normal voice. If you interrupt her nap or move when she’s not expecting you to or even come in for a pet, you’re treated to a highly agitated “meow.” When she comes over forgets, though, it’s another story entire. Then she makes the loud, rumbling purrs you can almost feel in your bones more than hear. The ones that make you wonder if there really is something to the theory that purring cats have anxiolytic or even healing properties.

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This ginger tabby cat, who goes by the name of Waffles, has its annoyance meows set to maximum such that his human mom has started keeping track of all the things he gets annoyed about over the course of the week. Small surprise: most of them involve his Golden Retriever sister, Maple and the rest being told that he can’t do the things he wants to do (like knocking glasses off the table).

Related: Cat Shows Up On Woman's Doorsteps and Rattles Off a Huge List of Complaints

A short and surely not exhaustive list:

Things That Annoy Waffles the Ginger Cat

* The “spare” human trying to sneak by him when he’s lying in the doorway.

* The smell of Maple’s apparently stinky paws.

* Maple standing nearby.

* Not being able to get into a water bottle.

* Not being allowed to knock a glass off the table.

* The dog being nearby again.

* You know…life.

After all, it appears that life is very hard for a cat as spoiled and loved upon as Waffles is.

Well, for definitions of love that include being deprived of glasses to knock over and being forced to share one’s household with an utterly adorable Golden Retriever.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Waffles in this difficult time. The indignity of it all. Someone should call the ACLU. If they have a feline division.

And if so, surely they are swamped with complaints from others of the kitty kind.

The Complaints of The Housecat

* I am not being pet enough.

* I am being pet too much.

* I showed them my tummy and they didn’t pet me.

* I showed them my tummy and they tried it.

* They trimmed. My nails.

* The door is shut.

* I crawled into the closet and now I’m lost.

* I crawled under the furniture and now I’m stuck.

* I was napping here.

* I was napping on someone and they moved. (This is actually against Cat Law.)

* It’s raining out and the birds in the window are gone.

* It’s dark out and the birds in the window are gone.

* That’s not the food I like.

* I don’t want the food to be in this dish.

* Actually, I’ve never been fed before. Ever.

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