Cat Mom Shares Simple DIY Enrichment Activities Any Kitty Will Love

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Just like our kids, our fur babies need to have access to activities to play that keep their brains working and learning. The Lexi Bunch shared some DIY enrichment activities on Sunday, September 22nd and they're ones that your cats will enjoy. They also couldn't be simpler to put together!

The first one she makes is called Hide and Seek. She simply filled the bottom of a box up with empty toilet paper rolls and then hid treats in the inside of some of the tubes. She did the same with the Mystery Box, as well as the Bunnykicker (watch to see why she calls it that) craft she made with a paper towel tube. They all kept her cats very busy!

These are such quick and easy (not to mention cheap!) DIY ideas! Just make sure to keep all of those empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls. Commenters also appreciated The Lexi Bunch's fun enrichment activities. My favorite comment came from the commenter who asked what I was wondering, "How long did it take you to collect all those rolls?" Mom laughed and replied, "A while! LOL! I've had them for so long now.

Related: How-to Video on Making a DIY Cat Toy Is a Stroke of Genius

DIY Enrichment Activities for Cats

If you have indoor cats, keeping them active can sometimes be a challenge. There are some simple things that you can do to provide them with enrichment that will keep them busy and, on their toes, and most of these ideas don't cost a fortune.

One thing you can do is to provide a few different feeding stations around the house. Most vets don't recommend allowing your cat to free feed all day, but if you do choose to do that, you can occasionally switch up locations so that your cats have to 'hunt' for their meal.

Another Pet Helpful article recommends using catnip, "After about 8 weeks of age, about 70% of cats become interested in the smell of catnip. (2) Some cats that are not interested in other toys or activities will still interact with toys when catnip is involved. There are several good catnip toys that are inexpensive and provide many hours of entertainment for indoor cats. You can also provide a grass planter so that your pets can enjoy this alternative."

The same article also recommends 'hide boxes' around the house, "In a study on cats in a stressful shelter environment, cats who were provided a "hiding box" were prone to fewer behavioral problems than cats without a hiding box. The cats were also much more likely to approach people if they knew that they had a safe area to retreat to." Or you could do what this cat dad did and provide your cat with their own secret hideaway!

Cats love toys, and hunting, interactive, and DIY toys can keep your cats busy. They are inexpensive enough that several different toys can be purchased. Just rotate them so your cats aren't always playing with the same toys day in and day out.

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