CBS Introduces Africa’s Most ‘Resilient’ Lion Who’s Used Most of His ‘9 Lives'

Zubaer Khan/Sun-Times file

CBS News shared a story about a resilient 10-year-old lion named Jacob who lives in Uganda, and he's lived quite a life. Called "Africa's most resilient lion", Jacob and his brother recently set a record as they made a treacherous swim across the Kazinga Channel in the Queen Elizabeth National Park that most animals don't survive.

Jacob hasn't had an easy life. He survived being gored by a buffalo. His family was poisoned, and their bodies used in the lion part body trade. He survived two different poaching attempts. Not only that, but in the second poaching attempt he lost part of one of his hind legs after it was caught in a steel poaching trap. Watch on to learn about his one-mile swim across a crocodile and hippo filled channel, and how he and his brother are one of the few that have survived the journey.

Talk about never giving up! Jacob is a fighter, and he deserves all of the recognition that he's getting as well as the name as Africa's Most Resilient Lion. I wonder how many of his nine lives he still has left. CBS News commenters also left messages commending his strength and resilience. One commenter said, "Stay Strong Jacob! May you both always be protected and able to multiply." I agree with @Kim who said, "Waiting on a movie being made about these lions..."

Related: Moment 'World's Loneliest' Lion Feels Grass for the First Time Is Magical

The History Behind Cats and Their Nine Lives

Jacob might be a big cat, but he's still a feline. All of us have heard the saying that cats have nine lives, and if you've ever had a cat, you probably would agree with the statement! I wondered where the saying came from, and decided to do a little research to see what I could find.

According to the Cat Bandit, there's a long history of ancient mythology that the saying derives from, "While the exact origin of the nine lives belief is difficult to pinpoint, it’s thought to have arisen in Europe during the Middle Ages. At that time, cats were often associated with witchcraft and the supernatural, and the belief that they had special powers – including the ability to cheat death – was common."

In medieval Europe, cats were creatures of the night and a bit elusive. "They were thought to be able to navigate treacherous terrain with ease, and were often associated with witchcraft and sorcery. In some legends, it was believed that hag-ridden witches could transform themselves into cats and slip away from danger by using their multiple lives."

Another saying about cats that you may have heard is the phrase, "Cat got your tongue?" There's an interesting history to this saying too, "Some believe that this saying is from ancient Egypt when the tongues of liars were cut out and given to cats for dinner."

I love learning the history behind common sayings, and these both have interesting ones!

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