Charity Dog Surfing Competition in California Celebrates 19th Year of Pups 'Hanging Paw'

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For nearly two decades, surf-loving dogs and their families have been convening on the beaches outside San Diego to compete in a surfing competition to benefit a local animal shelter. Their most recent even occurred this last weekend, and drew competitors from near and far.

The Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Surf Dog Surf-a-thon is the oldest event of its kind in the country, and this year dozens of dogs of all shapes, sizes, and breeds, took part in this surfing contest where participants were judged on technique, longevity on the board, and attitude.

At the surfing competition this last weekend contestants were each given ten minutes to catch as many waves as possible. Those who caught a curl were judged on the length of their ride, their technique, and their attitude and enthusiasm while on the board.

Related: Adorable Seal Rides the Waves With a Group of San Diego Surfers

There were also a variety of vendors and activities on the shore so spectators could have as much fun as the canines in the surf. All proceeds go to help the Animal Center.

For many dogs in the competition, this event has become a yearly event that they train for long in advance. One eleven year old dog in the competition had been competing since he was three. This weekend marked “Derby’s” last year at the event, as he was going into “surfing retirement” as his dad told a local news station.

How to Train Your Dog to Surf

As a person who once tried to learn to surf and totally failed at it, I’m super impressed by the skills these canines are displaying. But dog surfing is a sport that continues to grow in popularity. Hey, if you can teach your dog to dance or do yoga, then surfing should be on the list as well

Training your dog to surf is a multi-step process. It’s not as simple as sticking your dog on a board and letting go. They won’t know what they are supposed to do and they may get scared.

To begin surf training, start by teaching them how to balance on a board in calm water, such as a lake or a pool. Once the dog has mastered this skill, you can even take them paddle boarding, then showing them how to glide along the waves. Practice and patience are key—and remember, safety first!

How to Safely Take Your Dog to the Beach

Even if you aren’t going to teach your dog to surf, you can still have fun with your canine at the beach as long as you take a few safety precautions.

Dog life vests are a necessary investment whenever you get your dog involved in boating or water sports of any time. Since human bodies are shaped differently than dogs, it’s important to fit them with a life vest that supports their natural swimming position and allows them to stay safe in the water. Not only could it save them in case of an accident or wipeout, the handles on dog vests are especially useful for getting your dog up on the board in a surfing situation.

And always make sure that your dog stays healthy and hyrdrated on the beach—remember, too much sun and salt water isn’t good for them either.

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