Cheeky Kitten Perching on Dad's Bald Head Is Impossible Not to Laugh At


Our pets may be an endless source of love, but they're also an endless source of laughter and entertainment! Dogs and cats give their all to everything they do (when they're not in a lazy mood, that is), and it never gets old to watch them doing their favorite things. Whether you have a cat who loves to nap stretched out in the sunshine or a pup who can't get enough time in the swimming pool, a happy pet usually means that you're happy, too!

I completely get it because I'm the same way with my three dogs. I let them break the rules and deviate from routines just to see them happy, and I rarely regret it. And I have a feeling this cat dad with a great sense of humor feels the same way! While most bald men would shy away from any attention drawn to their head, Deaven fully embraces being his kitten's favorite place to perch.

No way! The tiny tabby kitten was so innocent at first, looking around to get the best view from atop the couch, when he realized that the best view was just two steps away. Funnily enough, those two steps just so happened to be on his dad's head. Thank goodness he's a good sport about it!

Related: Funny Cockatoo Uses Dad's Bald Head As a 'Skateboarding' Ramp

Even after getting a good giggle from the orange kitten's antics, I nearly cried laughing while reading the comments. People are so clever! My favorite comments included @pennylaneandlou's pun: "It's your thinking cat," and @seaangel03's innocent remark: "Sir, your toupe just walked away." LOL! Although, now that you mention it, Deaven and his furry friend do have the same hair color...

I wasn't the only one who noticed it, either! A commenter named Jackie also wrote that the cat and dad look alike, and now I'll never unsee it.

Why Do Cats Climb?

As much as the video's commenters loved joking about the cat owner's baldness, this cute interaction does have me wondering why cats like to climb people, furniture, and anything really. The habit can be even worse as a kitten before they know what is and isn't meant for climbing, but even adult cats can't ignore the instinct.

As it turns out, cats are both predator and prey animals. Climbing satisfies instincts on both ends of the spectrum, which is what makes it so satisfying and reassuring to felines. As a hunter, getting a higher vantage point increases your chance of finding prey, but as someone who's being hunted, you're less likely to be caught if you can climb higher than your predator.

It's only natural that this curious kitten crawled up on his dad's head, although I'm sure the climbing didn't end there. Many cats love to climb on furniture, cat trees, and even people, and that tendency rarely leaves them!

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