Chicken’s Frantic Race to Escape Bald Eagle’s Clutches Goes Viral


Many people keep chickens in their yards and spend a lot of time keeping them safe from predators like foxes, raccoons, hawks, snakes, and more. They put up fencing to keep chickens in, have a coop for the birds to shelter in, and try to keep the predators out. TikToker Laura was in the right place at the right time and captured one chicken's race to safety in an attempt to avoid being carried away by a bald eagle.

Laura shared the video on TikTok on Tuesday, September 24th and it immediately went viral. After watching, you'll see why it captured so many people's's incredible to see! Watch as the bald eagle swoops down 5 different times as the chicken somehow avoids getting snatched up each time!

Talk about having luck on your side! That is one lucky chicken, and Laura was lucky to capture the whole thing on her phone! The viral video has been watched more than 10.5 million times, has nearly a million likes, and has almost 15 thousand comments. @Laura did say in one of the comments, "This is not my property, these chickens are owned by a restaurant/ranch. I was just rooting for the lil' guy and so happy it made it to the coop!"

People had a lot to say about the scene. @EatGFree got 104 thousand likes when they said simply, "This was SO STRESSFUL." and @Mr.westcoast added, "It is 2:30 in the morning. I should not be this damn stressed!" @DVES1961 made me laugh when she shared, "Me over here screaming “Run chicken run!” and my husband looking at me saying “We ain’t got no damn chickens” LOL!" And I also laughed at @Texasgirl_Kris' comment, "That lil chicken put it in sports mode and took off at the end! Lol glad she made it!"

Related: Wildlife Photographer Catches Rare & Incredible Footage of Bald Eagle Swooping in for a Fish

Cool Facts About Bald Eagles

Bald eagles are impressive birds that people find both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Adult males weigh around 10 pounds and reach 36 inches long, while females can weigh 10 to 15 pounds and reach up to 43 inches in length. Their typical wingspan is between 6 and 7-1/2 feet....they are big birds! Here's another interesting fact from a Pet Helpful article, "Eagles can sit on the water using their wings as oars to hunt for fish. Some have drowned on occasions where their prey weighs too much."

Big birds require big nests, especially when they have babies to tend to in it. Their nests are the biggest built by any other bird and are built by both the male and female. According to BirdFact, "A typical Bald eagle nest measures 4 to 5 feet wide and 2 to 4 feet deep. A Bald eagle nest currently holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest nest ever recorded. Found in St. Petersburg, Florida, the nest measured 9.5 feet and 20 feet deep! It was examined in 1963 and was estimated to weigh almost 3 tons."

Bald eagles mate for life and use the same nest year after year during mating season. Both parents incubate the eggs (it takes about 34 days), and when the babies are born, both parents care for and feed the babies. While bald eagles are apex predators, they surprisingly also make great parents. 

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