Chocolate Lab’s Joyful Jumps Are the Cutest Thing You'll See Today

A happy Chocolate Labrador Retriever in a yard<p>Inheart via Shutterstock</p>
A happy Chocolate Labrador Retriever in a yard

Inheart via Shutterstock

Even by general "dog" standards, Labrador Retrievers and their colorful variations are a particularly spunky breed. They're loyal, friendly, energetic, and always down to play with anyone and everyone they meet. They're just good vibes condensed into dog form!

So if you're feeling a little blue or just sort of low on energy today, allow me to help boost your mood - or rather, allow Bruce to boost your mood. Bruce, an adorable Chocolate Lab from Florida, is here to bring the party with his ultra-energetic dance moves!

Thanks, Bruce - I needed a little mood booster today! Bruce, aka @brucealabstale, always enjoys putting on a big show for his TikTok followers, whether he's getting the zoomies, swimming at his local beaches, or tearing up his favorite chew toy. But when Bruce gets extra hyped, he really puts on a show with his happy "hopping" dance, a dance that just so happens to sync perfectly to the Sugar Hill Gang!

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It's hard to stay grumpy when this happy Labrador Retriever breaks out his dancing paws - you might even say he gets the place jumping! His TikTok fans couldn't get enough of his delightful dance moves!

"Look at his cool moves. Oh yeah!" @rosie71223 cheered him on.

"Hysterical. How can you not love this hopping dog?" said @teardroplagrima.

"He's great. Put him on a TV show!" praised @elisethomas89.

Now that's an idea I can get down with. Between his effortless charisma and adorable dance moves, this cute Chocolate Lab's got serious star power. Has anybody pitched a canine dancing show yet? Dancing with the Dog Stars, perhaps? Someone needs to workshop this...

The Boundless Energy of a Labrador Retriever

Bruce isn't the only Lab with a spring in his step. Across the internet, you'll find pet parents waxing poetic about how much their Labrador Retrievers love to dance. Spinning, twirling, jumping up and down - these adorable dogs just can't contain their joy when they're happy!

Labs are exceptionally energetic pups, to the point where some people consider them to be kind of "hyper," though that's sort of an oversimplification of their personalities. According to Pedigree, Labrador Retrievers were bred as working dogs, so they're naturally very energetic and active as a result. Factor in their friendly demeanor and their tendency to be emotionally expressive, and it's not surprising why so many happy, hyped-up Labs have an affinity for dancing!

Of course, all that excess energy can turn neurotic and destructive if your Lab feels cooped up. One of the best ways to avoid that is to ensure your Lab gets lots of daily exercise (ideally 1-2 hours a day, according to Dogster). This could be going on walks, swimming, hiking, or playing with toys together (as the "retriever" in their name implies, this breed is particularly good at playing fetch). And if you know your Lab loves to boogie, turn up the Sugar Hill Gang and join in on the fun!

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