Chocolate Lab Who's 'Scared of Grandpa's Cat' Can't Stop Making 'Dinosaur Noises'

CC Dustin Hardin/Shutterstock

If there's one thing we've learned from a new viral video, it's never mess with the cat. Trust us on this one. Or take it from the chocolate Lab in the clip, whose dinosaur-like wheezes of terror when facing the family cat had his family cracking up.

The footage is like a horror movie. You can't see the monster, but there are signs it's there.

All of the action in @mog0123456789's video happened in the next room over. But the effect the dog's wails had on his grandpa and mom were too funny. The video shows Grandpa absolutely losing it as the chocolate Lab wheezed and wheezed.

Related: Chocolate Lab Completely Unbothered by Broken Leg Is the Definition Of a Good Boy

"What is wrong with you Boris?" a woman in the clip asked from off-screen.

"What are you doing?" the man chimed in.

The dog's pained wheeze in response was too darn funny. What in the world is the cat doing to you?

"When you are a 100 lbs. chocolate lab scared of grandpa's 15 lbs. cat, You make dinosaur noises," the dog's owner teased in the caption.

The dog's tantrum had people cracking up in the comments section. " I don't know what's better: the dino noises or grandpa's laugh," wrote one person. "Your grandpa's laugh is the best!!!" another commenter cheered. "We may need to see the big mean scawy kitty cat," one person chimed in. "My 100 lbs. chocolate Lab is the same way! A big drama prince around big scary kitties! Love it!" gushed another person.

Why Dogs Are Afraid of Cats

We're not trying to ruffle any feathers, but cats...well, they do have a reputation for not being the friendliest. Not all cats, but definitely there is a difference in cat and dog behavior. So is that why some cats can terrify their canine peers?

If you've ever dealt with an angry cat, you'll know they are fearsome things. When a cat senses a threat they raise their back, bare their teeth and claws, and hiss. If they decide to attack it's a whole other issue. It can really hurt. In worst case scenarios scratches and bites can get infected if not properly treated.

If your dog is afraid of cats there are typically two reasons for why this is. One, they had a bad experience with an angry cat and never forgot it. Or two, they were never socialized around cats and being around an angry cat spooks them. Either way, this can sometimes cause dogs to have a full blown meltdown around felines. If the behavior becomes worrisome, don't hesitate to contact a trainer. Maybe your dog needs a little courage — or maybe your cat needs to learn how to take a chill pill.

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