Corgi Dad Hilariously Shows the Difference Between How His Dog and Cat Ask for Dinner


If you're a pet owner and have both dogs and cats, you know that there's a big difference in how they communicate with us. Chris is the proud dad of his internet famous Corgi Hammy, new puppy Fiona, and cat dad of Nori. He shared a video on Tuesday, July 23rd of how Nori asks for dinner and how Hammy does, and there's definitely a big difference between the two!

The video starts with Nori calmly tapping on a bell to let Chris know she'd like to eat. She eats her dinner and leaves no mess. She even thanks dad for feeding her! Now watch to see how Hammy lets dad know he wants to eat. Make sure your sound is on because the song accompanying Hammy's part of the video fits perfectly!

The difference between Nori and Hammy asking for dinner is so spot on! My dog gets very impatient too and follows me around, staring at me to let me know it's time. How do they always know when it's time?! Commenters left some funny videos about the difference between the kitty and the Corgi. @Sandra said, "Cats really do have the upper paw, don't they?" Another commenter pointed out, "Hammy's a gangster when he wants his food!" and @Cal added, "Hammy is ready to fight for his meal!"

Related: Corgi's Response to Dinner Being 5 Seconds Late Is Beyond Hilarious

Different Feeding Options for Dogs

Years ago, we had two West Highland Terriers, and we always free fed them, meaning we just left food out for them all day. They'd eat when they were hungry, and sometimes there was even food left over at the end of the day. We never had any issues, but many people are against free feeding and feed their dogs on a schedule instead. We feed our new dog on a schedule, and she knows exactly when it's time to eat, even if I'm a minute late!

Is one feeding method better than the other? It's really a personal preference and what works for your lifestyle. We liked the convenience of free feeding, and our dogs never took advantage of it or pigged out on the food we put out. I'm not sure I could say that about our dog now! Many people say it also cuts down on food aggression, which we never had an issue with.

Some dog breeds do better on a feeding schedule, especially if your dog is always hungry and wolfs down food without even stop to actually eat it. You also have more control over how much your dog is eating at a time. And if your dog eats wet food instead of dry kibble, it might make sense to schedule feedings...who wants wet food to sit out all day and dry out? What a waste!

As with all decisions you make about your pets, it really boils down to what works best for your family. There's no right or wrong answer, so do what you're most comfortable with.

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