Corgi Puppy Learns to Howl and It’s So Cute People Can’t Take It


Puppies do some adorable things and watching them figure out all of the things that they can do as they grow is so fun. Fiona is an adorable Corgi who recently figured out that she can howl. She practices doing it all of the time and she's now a pro at it!

Fiona's dad shared a video montage on Sunday, September 15th of her howling and it's absolutely adorable. Set to London Symphony Orchestra playing Blue Danube, Fiona's dad synched up her howling, so she sang along perfectly with the song's melody. Make sure your sound is on because you don't want to miss hearing her little howls!

Fiona's deserves a Grammy! She asked at the beginning of the video, "I sings good?" and yes, we all think you do Fiona! Fiona's dad says in his caption to call her 'Feef von Beethoven' and I think that name suits her. I wasn't the only one who fell a little more in love with the adorable Corgi. @FollowingFeather said, "That is the most compact wolf I have ever seen (and heard)!" @theknap10 swooned, "I love seeing Fiona finding her voice!" and another commenter added, "Music to my ears!" @Patricia had my favorite comment when she told the Corgi, "Hey Feef von Beethoven, your energy is contagious! Love how you bring classical music to life in such a fun way. Keep it up!"

Related: Cute Corgi Howls When She Eats Watermelon and It's Just Perfect

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Dogs howl at things for a number of different reasons, and why they're howling depends on what they're howling at. For instance, when they howl at sirens, it could be because they think it's the sound of other dogs howling in the distance. Some dogs do it to alert their humans that there's potential danger. Almost all dogs have a protective instinct and howling is one way they alert others to keep away from their humans.

When dogs hear high-pitched sounds like a siren, people sometimes think that they're howling because the sound hurts their ears, but Spruce Pets says probably not, "For some people, the high-pitched squealing of a siren can be an annoyance to our own ears. This may lead you to believe that your dog may howl at sirens because the sound bothers them or may even cause them pain. However, most experts don't believe this is the case." They go on to say that if your dog is howling at a siren but not showing any signs of distress like cowering, hiding, or lip licking, then they are probably not stressed out by the noise.

Dogs may also howl because they are excited by a particular sound they hear and another Pet Helpful article used this example to explain, "You may have observed that hunting dogs usually howl when they've detected some game or succeeded in their hunt. They feel excited and like to communicate their success—they just want a little appreciation, which means they'll start howling to call their owner." I know that my dog does this when she finds something in the backyard that she wants me to see; usually it's a bug, moth, or squirrel, but one time it was a deer running away!

I hope that Fiona continues to howl and never grows out of it. She's getting so big so fast, and I'm waiting for her to start 'talking' like her big brother Hammy does!

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