Corgi Puppy Wants to Play With Cats and They’re Totally Not Having It


If you watch a lot of pet videos on social media, you probably already know Hammy, a famous Corgi known for his 'speaking' abilities. He had a sister named Olivia and the two were inseparable until the end of 2023 when she passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving a hole in their close-knit family.

After months of grieving, the family decided to bring home a new puppy that they named Fiona. She's adorable and loves to play. She wants to play with the family cats, but they are not at all interested in playing with her as you'll see in this video that Hammy's dad posted on Tuesday, June 25th. It will crack you up!

I love how Fiona didn't give up and continued to try to get the cats to play! They were so annoyed with her, and she didn't even care when they were scratching at her and running away. Fans of Hammy and family also got a kick out of the cats' reactions to adorable little Fiona. @Angelique Hogeveen pointed out, "Yep, just like real siblings LOL!" @Kim Lawe added, "Well, that's a hard NO!!" @Rachel Denney pointed out, "She’s a little troublemaker!" @Jess Bougard laughed, "Omg the stair struggle!!! Love Corgi pups and their clumsiness."

Related: Corgi Helps New Puppy Escape From Cage and Lets Her Take the Fall for Huge Mess

Do Corgis Make Good Pets?

Fiona looks like she's a handful! Corgis are known to be high energy dogs who are always up to something. Fiona just wants to play with the cats and with Hammy, but Hammy is definitely a big brother and gets his little sister in trouble. It's fun to see their shenanigans! I always thought I'd like to have a Corgi, but do Corgis make good family pets? As with every dog breed, it depends on who you ask.

Corgis are very smart pooches, so training them is relatively easy. They're good with cats and children and are quiet social. While they're good with children, they are herding dogs and will try to herd the kids. That might include nipping at their heels which can scare little ones. The behavior can be corrected through training, but it's something to be aware of. They're confident dogs that like to be in charge, especially with other animals that they don't know. Corgis have short coats that are easy to care for, however they have a double coat and do tend to shed a lot. Corgis can become destructive when they get bored, so make sure you have toys and things that will stimulate them.

The biggest con when it comes to owning a Corgi is that they love to bark (they're bossy because they're herders!) While that might not bother some people, that's a trait that wouldn't work for my family. That's why when you are considering a new family pet you have to research the breed. You just might find that the cons outweigh the pros of the cute dog you wanted to bring home. Barking crosses Corgis off the list for me!

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