Curious Black-Mouthed Cur Can't Stop Watching Veggie Tales Cartoons Like a Kid

Anna Hoychuk/Shutterstock

There's no doubt that dogs are so much more than pets. They're our best friends, our fur babies, and beloved members of the family. Dog owners happily plan their lives around their four-legged pals, but if you're truly lucky, that dog will fit perfectly into your plans and dreams, too. For example, many dogs who are adopted during their owners' young adult stages are eventually upgraded to big siblings, but they take on the roles as naturally as ever.

Just as Hank Williams, Jr! No, it's not the legendary country music legend I'm talking about, but this precious dog was named after him! He's a gorgeous Black-Mouthed Cur and a loyal big brother, but on September 10, his family found out that he's an avid TV watcher, too. He was completely captivated as soon as someone turned on Veggie Tales cartoons, and it's truly priceless.

OMG--how sweet! Hank was so interested in the cartoons that he had to get a closer look at the silly dancing vegetables. To be honest, I had a very similar reaction the first time I saw Veggie Tales because the concept just seemed so odd! Now that I'm older, I can appreciate the way these movies and shows taught kids complex topics in fun and simple ways, but I'm still just as baffled as this curious family dog as to why they're vegetables specifically.

Related: Confused Dog Watches Bears on TV and Thinks They're Actually in the House

The most important thing, however, is whether Veggie Tales' audience loves them--and I think it's safe to say that they do! This Black-Mouthed Cur's human brothers seemed just as enraptured by the show as he was, and the only way it could be any cuter was if they all watched from the sofa together!

This adorable scene proves that any dog could be your TV-watching buddy. Cur dogs are on the larger side, and they're known for their hunting and herding skills. One wouldn't always think of these high-energy dog breeds as great family dogs, but many pups give their owners the best of both worlds.

Can Dogs See the TV Screen?

Only some dogs seem to react to the television, and when they do, they're usually reacting to a sound on TV. Even fewer dogs react to the TV or computer screen, which has led many owners to ask whether dogs can even see the images on these screens.

Sandra C. Mitchell, DVM, DABVP, concludes that dogs can see screens, but not in the same way humans can. Many people know that dogs only see a few of the colors that humans can see, but their vision is also not as sharp as a human's, which explains why Hank is sitting so close to the TV. However, dogs' eyes are more sensitive to motion, which can affect what they see on a screen, considering that videos are a series of pictures played back-to-back at an extremely high speed.

"Humans don’t notice any flickering of images if the screen refresh rate is faster than 55 hertz," she explains. "However, dogs have better motion perception—they will see flickers up to 75 hertz."

It's not a sign of concern if your dog doesn't watch TV unless you notice any other changes in your dog's vision. If they do enjoy watching television, though, you've just discovered one more way you can spend quality time together. Just ask Hank Williams, Jr.--TV time is the best!

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