Dachshund Dad Has Genius Trick for Getting Dog to Sit Still for Nail Clipping


If there's one thing that all dogs complain about, it's getting their nails clipped. Pet parents complain about having to do it, too, because it's usually such a dramatic affair! But Puppy Jay, an adorable Dachshund who hates getting his nails clipped, has a dad who figured out a way to make nail clipping much more doable with less gripes from the dog, and it involves an idea so simple and genius it will leave you wondering, "Why didn't I think of that?!"

Puppy Jay's dad shared the clip at the beginning of September. All you have to do is wrap some plastic wrap around your head like a headband and apply some peanut butter to where your forehead is. Your dog will be so preoccupied licking off the peanut butter that they won't even care about you clipping their nails!

This is genius! It's time for me to trim my dog's nails, and I can't wait to try this! Puppy Jay paid zero attention to what his dad would doing, and the whole event was painless for dad and the Dachshund! Out of more than 50 comments, the majority of them said that the idea was brilliant or genius, something I can't argue with!

Related: Dog’s Dramatic Face While Getting His Nails Clipped Is Oscar-Worthy

Stress-Free Tips to Trim Your Dog's Nails

Most dogs turn into big babies when they see the nail clippers come out. But like puppy Jay's dad's genius hack, there are some tips and tricks to make trimming dogs' nails at home a little bit easier, and less stressful for you and your pup.

Before you even decide to trim, it's important to get your pet comfortable with having their feet and toe beans touched. Start by rubbing their paws and feet to get them used to the sensation and more comfortable with you holding them. Do this when they are already relaxed - maybe when your cuddling - and do it often.

Before you try to trim, a good idea is to try to wear your pooch out. Take a long walk, play a game of fetch, or some other activity that will make them want a nap. If they're tired, they're less likely to fight with you. Now that it's time to clip, your dog should be calm and relaxed since you already wore them out. Don't do it after a bath when they get the zoomies, if you're going to trim their nails do it before a bath.

Do you know where your dog's nail 'quick' is? Different dog breeds have different length of nails, so research your dog's breed to find out where it is on your dog. If you clip their nails all the way to the quick you will accidently cause them pain because nerves and blood vessels are located there. If you accidentally do clip too close to the quick, make sure to have some styptic powder on hand to stop the bleeding and alleviate pain.

It takes some practice to get used to doing it yourself, but it is doable to trim your dog's nails with no drama. Many people would rather use a Dremel tool to file down a pooch's nails (yep, they make a special tool specifically for dog's nails) and find it much easier than actually clipping them with nail tools. If you're like me and afraid to hurt your pup, this is so worth checking out! Once you get the hang of it and your pet realizes the tool won't hurt them, the Dremel tool makes nail trimming a simple - and quick - chore. It's what I use on my dog, and even though she's probably never going to be a fan of getting her nails trimmed it works well, and I highly recommend checking it out.

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