Dachshund Dad's Funny Message About Having a 'Clingy' Pup Is All Too Relatable

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Have you ever met someone who loves their dog like a baby? Soooo weird, right? Like who would ever want to cuddle with a small, helpless animal that adores you? That would be totally strange....right? Well it would be according to one man. Who issued a strongly worded rant to those pet owners on TikTok.

The man had some big feelings about people who treat their pets like human children.

The man, Brian, went on and on about these indulgent pet owners. He didn't like them one bit!

"All you people with unhealthy relationships with your pet, remember they're your dog, they're not your fur-baby," he said in the footage. "They don't need to be climbing all over ya', with you 24/7," he added.

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But what's that we see? It almost looks like Brian had a Dachshund in his lap. More to the point, it seems like the Doxie was climbing all over the man. It even crawled into his shirt. Hmmmm, something wasn't adding up here.

People in the comments section agreed that something about the man's speech was off. "That dog was like LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING," joked one commenter. "Sir, have you given this speech to the Dachshund?" another person joked. "The way the dog climbed into your shirt. Personal space? You mean our space," a third commenter teased. "There was a great wave of angry comments that collapsed in on itself with the appearance of that little pupper," someone else pointed out.

Signs of a Spoiled Dog

The idea of "spoiling" your animal is a touchy one. No one wants to think they're enabling bad behavior. But your dog is your bestie — of course you're going to treat them right. Here are some signs that you may have taken the treats a little too far:

Dogs do get tired while walking every now and again. But if you're quick to pick them up and carry them it can be a sign that you're doing too much.

Have you ever paid for a pet spa treatment? If luxury services have taken up a big chunk of your budget, you might want to rethink your spending.

This next one hurts. Many of us love to cuddle with a pup during the night, but if they have an official side of the bed things might be off.

Playing dress up with your dog is one of life's pleasures. But if your dog has an outfit for every occasion, you might be heading into spoiled territory.

And finally, food is a love language. But if those tiny bits of human food you sneak into their mouths is becoming a regular occurrence, it's probably not for the best.

If it seems like your dog might be on the spoiled side, have no fear. Just pull back on the indulgences. And remember, there is no special treatment they'll love better than spending time with you.

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