Dad Makes Orange Cat His Own Secret Hideout and Everybody Wants One of Their Own

CC Bule Sky Studio/Shutterstock

We've all heard of a man cave or woman cave...a special room or space in your home that's just for you. But what about a cat cave? Kurt is a spoiled orange cat with the attitude to match. His dad Abram Engle got creative recently and converted a space in an empty closet into a secret hideout for Kurt, and it's pretty cool!

Abram shared a video of how he put the secret hideout together on Tuesday, September 24th. He started by putting some of Kurt's favorite things in the space, including a mini-pool table and rugs and pictures with photos of himself on them. But Kurt needed privacy too, so he even built a 'wall' with a door the perfect size for Kurt to get in and out of his new space. Watch on to see if the hideout is Kurt-approved!

I never thought I'd be jealous of a cat, but here we are! I want a cool little space full of my favorite things, but sadly, there's nowhere to put it in our house. People loved Abram's idea and left more than 500 comments about Kurt's new digs. @janisbanks135 shouted, "OH… COME ON NOW!!! My cats are going to think they live in the slums LOL!" @bobby5 suggested, "You should paint that cardboard to look like a castle. Every time he goes in Especially if he has that picture of himself looking all regal." @Ted made me laugh when he shared, "My orange cat has its own secret spot too. inside of a couch, he made it with scratches." and @Marie sweetly added, "You come up with some really cool enrichment ideas for Kurt and it makes him so happy!"

Related: Cat Mom Builds Most Amazing Mini-House for Maine Coons on Back Patio

Cool Orange Cat Facts

I would love to have a cat, but my husband and daughter are both allergic to them. But if I could bring home a cat, it would be an orange one. Everybody loves orange cats; maybe it has to do with the original grumpy orange cat, Garfield or maybe it's because all orange cats seem to have the same comedic standoffish personalities. Whatever the reason, we can't get enough of them! I thought it would be fun to share some of the cool facts I've learned about them.

The Vets shared this little-known fact about the legend of orange cats, "Due to their tabby cat stripes, most orange cats will have an M-shaped marking on their forehead. There are many legends surrounding this M. The first is from the ancient Egyptians where cats were called Mau (due to the noise they make). The Islamic world suggests that Mohammed had a tabby called Muezza who saved his master’s life. Every tabby born with an M is a reminder of Mohammed’s love for his cat. Others believe the mark came from Mary stroking a tabby cat that kept baby Jesus warm in his manger."

Although we call them "orange cats", orange-colored cats are not an actual breed. Most of them are Tabby cats, though other breeds can be orange as well. The majority of orange cats are male, and the number is estimated to be around 80%. The Y chromosome cannot carry the orange gene which means that for a female cat to be orange, they need to receive the gene from both parents. The orange color comes from a pigment called pheomelanin, and interestingly, it's the same pigment that gives humans red hair! That's a pretty cool fact!

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