Dad Shows What It’s Like Bathing Two Saint Bernards and People Are Tired Just Watching It

Shutterstock/Doggers Park

If you bathe your dogs at home instead of taking them to a groomer, you know what a chore it can be. I have a 65-pound Pit Bull mix who actually enjoys getting in the shower and doesn't seem to mind it, and it's still a lot of work! I can't imagine bathing an even bigger dog, like a Saint Bernard, and bathing two of them would be crazy!

Baby and Bruce are two huge Saint Bernards who also don't mind getting baths. Their dad gives them baths (during the summer) outside using a garden hose. He posted a video at the beginning of September of what the process looks like, and I've got to admit, I got tired just watching it!

Not only are Saint Bernards big dogs, but they also have a ton of hair! No wonder it took him 45 minutes to bathe and rinse them before they were both clean and ready for their after-bath zoomies! I'm guessing dad is ready for a nap after all of that work!

Fans had a lot to say about Baby and Bruce's bathtime. @Awill0001 laughed, "Holding on to their tails is so real LMAO! I’ve had to resort to that a time or two myself!" and @SamanthaSmith312 added, "They have a built-in handle to hold, their tail!" @Imposter Syndrome Baker shared, "We tried bathing ours inside ONCE and only once... our drains are still clogged LOL! Straight to the groomers he goes now." Another commenter admitted, "I gave my Saint a bath yesterday and it didn't go nearly this well LOL!"

Related: Saint Bernard's Hilarious 'Temper Tantrum' Outside Vet Results in Him Getting Treatment Al Fresco

Why Dogs Get After-Bath Zoomies

Commenter @Tina Valero shared, "I love my dog's zoomies after a bath!" Every dog we've ever had as part of our family has gotten the after-bath zoomies. There's nothing better than watching a dog with's the cutest thing ever! But why do they all get zoomies after getting a bath?

First off, let's talk about what zoomies are, "Also known by the acronym FRAP, which stands for frenetic random activity periods, zoomies often occur in young dogs at specific times of the day and in particular contexts." I think all dogs get zoomies, not just young ones!

Many people describe zoomies as when their dogs act 'crazy', but zoomies can also look like any of these:

  • Darting back and forth with no obvious aim or direction

  • Spinning in circles

  • Chasing the tail

  • Grabbing toys and tossing them around

  • Running fast in a frenzied way with their rear end carried low

  • Leaping over obstacles

  • Growling and barking

  • Exhibiting loose and wiggly body language

  • Rubbing the body on the floor or furniture

My dog has done all of the above...especially after a bath. Why they do it after a bath is unclear, though another Pet Helpful article shared some possibilities. One is that they're glad it's over. If you're dog has a water aversion or just doesn't like baths, when it's done, it's sweet relief and they're excited that it's finally over!

Other dogs get excited simply because they love the water. Some dogs love swimming in pools, lakes, or any body of water they can find. They had such a good time getting the bath that they're celebrating!

Others think dogs get zoomies after a bath to help them dry off quicker. If you let your dog air dry, depending on how much hair they have, it can take a really long time. Running around speeds up the process.

For many of us, it doesn't really matter why they get zoomies after a bath, we're just glad they do! I wish we could've seen more of the Saint Bernards' zoomies...I bet it's even cuter to see such a big dog run around like they're a puppy again!

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