Dalmatian Saying Good Morning to Stray Cat Friend Every Day Is the Start of a Beautiful Friendship

Arthur Bargan/Shutterstock

No matter how long you've had a pet, they'll always find new ways to amaze you. Whether they figure out a trick you thought they'd never understand or they come to your rescue when you have a broken heart, you never know the next way they'll make your day. Just ask Shannon, whose Dalmatian made an unlikely new friend in the most picturesque possible place.

On August 2, she shared a few clips from her routine morning walk with Tucker, which now includes a new pit stop. He always drags her toward a stray cat just to say hello for a while, which is just as cute as it sounds. Tucker, Shannon, and their new pal have amassed nearly half a million views on TikTok so far, but I have a feeling the best of their friendship is yet to come.

OMG! This isn't just a clip from one walk but from several! Saying hello to this outdoor cat is Tucker's new routine, and it's only natural that the dog owner shares this interspecies friendship with the world. As expected, animal lovers are eating it up! Most are enchanted to see this unlikely duo getting to know one another, but a few have encouraged Shannon to take it to the next level by bringing the stray cat home.

Related: Cat and Dog's Relationship Goes From Hesitant to Inseparable Besties in Precious Video

"What do you mean a stray?" asked one commenter, "Please get that kitty a home even if it's not yours. I beg you." It's easy to understand why one would feel that way! Many outdoor cats and stray cats are in need of vaccinations, food, and a spay or neuter procedure, but some are actually well taken care of in their community...Including this one!

Just like @happyhealth_bycarla wrote, "Every PB resident knows and loves this cat." Pacific Beach is a famous area in San Diego, and it's where this feral cat made his long-term home. He meets lots of people and dogs in this busy area, and he has people who leave him water and cat toys every day.

Should You Adopt an Outdoor Cat?

It can be easy to understand both sides of the argument about this cat's fate. On the one hand, they're clearly getting plenty of food, water, and socialization, but on the other hand, they've never had the stability of a family or the safety of an indoor home.

It's normal for some outdoor cats to feel trapped indoors, which could result in them making a great escape. These cats are less likely to enjoy living a life of luxury indoors, though they can still contribute to the end of feral cat colonies by being part of a trap-neuter-release program. After all, not every cat is meant to live indoors!

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