Donkey & Dog Besties on Wyoming Ranch Need Their Own Netflix Series

CC Iryna Dobrovynska/Shutterstock

Just picture it: a dog and its faithful donkey hitting the open road and having lots of adventures. Sounds like something that should be on TV right? Well until Netflix makes it happen, you'll have to check out a pair of interspecies besties that have gone viral online.

Dogs and donkeys aren't a pairing you'd immediately think of, but this video is proof that at least one dog and donkey belong together.

Winnie and Festus — even their names sound good together. Their owner, Libby Andrews, shared a video of the donkey and Blue Heeler hitting the farm together. Winnie was even riding on Festus' back! We didn't know that dogs could do that, but Winnie handled the ride like a pro. Actually, it sort of looks like Winnie liked being carried around for once. Thankfully it seems like Festus doesn't mind giving her a lift.

Related: Dog's Precious Reaction to Meeting a Group of Donkeys Is Everything

The duo won over a lot of fans online. "I love this with my whole heart," gushed one person. "Adorable… I want one to watch [this] every morning," someone else added. "Ugh! What a duo!!! This is majestic," another commenter praised. "Beautiful! This stuff is my dream. Enjoy!" one person cheered.

Dogs and Donkeys Are Friendly Animals

As much as it might seem strange, Festus and Winnie's relationship actually makes a lot of sense. Dogs are known for getting along with pretty much everyone. It doesn't matter if it's the neighbor kid next door or your pet hamster, dogs rarely have any beef.

But you wouldn't exactly think of donkeys as being social animals, right? That's definitely a misconception. Not only are donkeys very social creatures, they're big on companionship too.

Donks are affectionate and actually like to bond with other animals. Their favorites are other donkeys or horses, but donks have been known to bond with other species like goats or dogs. More importantly, donkeys like to travel in pairs. They love to have one main companion. So much so that some donkeys have been known to fall into a depression or die when their companion passes. They become ill just being away from their BFFs.

If you're having a hard time bonding with your donk, it might be worth it to read their body language. Donkeys can appear to be very stoic, but their body language can tell you everything about what's going on inside.

Luckily, it seems like Winnie and Festus understand each other perfectly.

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