English Bulldog Puppy Adorably Waits for Breakfast and Even Sheds an Impatient Tear

Shutterstock/Twinkle Studio

Have you ever been so hungry that you can barely stand to wait any longer for something to eat? Grubbi is an adorable English Bulldog who knows this feeling well and stands at his automatic dog feeder just waiting for it to dispense his meals throughout the day. He has an uncanny ability to know when it's almost time, and stands right next to it, tippy tapping and waiting very impatiently.

Mom shared a video at the end of August showing us all how cute he looks sitting and waiting to chow down. Watch closely because Grubbi even sheds an impatient tear as he waits for the food to drop. And wait until you see his face when he hears the automatic feeder start to put the food in his bowl - it'll crack you up!

Grubbi's food was gone almost as soon as it hit the bowl...he even licks his bowl clean! I think it's safe to say that mealtime is his favorite part of the day, and I'm sure he never misses a meal! Commenters left nearly 4 thousand comments about Grubbi's impatient wait to eat.

@Jay Taylor Art UK pointed out, "Dying at the complete lack of necessity of the voice calling him to eat. LOL!" @Brit Paun got almost 13 thousand likes when she said, "By far the most healthy-looking bulldog I’ve ever seen!" I laughed at the commenter who shared, "Me waiting for my Uber eats after I just put the order through hahaha!!!" and agreed with @sahbreebree who said, "The huffing, stomping combo reminds me of when skunks try to be intimidating but you’re like stawp with your cuteness LOL!"

Related: Crafty Mom Devises Genius Slobber-Proof Dog Bowl for Her English Bulldog

Are Smart Feeders Worth the Big Price Tags?

We are a busy family, and with three teens in three different sports, everybody is always on the go. I'm the one who normally feeds our dog, and if I'm gone (I'm head chauffeur in the house), I have to remind the others that she needs to be fed. I've thought about getting an automatic feeder but they're pricey. I love that you just program it, set it, and forget it, and having to remember to feed your cat or dog on time becomes a thing of the past.  But are they really worth the cost?

I've checked out several different automatic feeders and read a lot of reviews. The biggest complaint seems to be that they sometimes malfunction, meaning that they don't dispense any food at all. This can be frustrating for your pet of course, but if you always have to second guess and double check whether the feeder is actually doing its job after just one malfunction, I might as well just feed my dog myself!

Another important thing to remember is that you can't solely rely on an automatic feeder for feedings over a long period of time. One simple malfunction could mean your pet doesn't get fed while you're away. What if the power goes out or it gets jammed? Always have a backup plan; hire a pet sitter or have a friend or family member check in on your pet to make sure they're not missing any meals. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

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