The Archers' verdict on Helen Titchener concludes storyline that gripped the UK

<span>Artists’ impression of the verdict of Helen Titchener’s trial being delivered in Borchester crown court. </span><span>Photograph: Julia Quenzler/ BBC</span>
Artists’ impression of the verdict of Helen Titchener’s trial being delivered in Borchester crown court. Photograph: Julia Quenzler/ BBC

Helen Titchener was found not guilty of the attempted murder of her husband, Rob, by a jury in a special episode of The Archers that has brought to a conclusion the domestic abuse storyline that has gripped the nation.

Related: The Archers trial: verdicts from the counsellor, the lawyer and the prison expert

Column inches, hashtags and fundraising campaigns have all been inspired by the storyline of more than three years, which has seen Helen emotionally abused by the apparently charming Rob.

The special episode, tuned into by millions, was extended to an hour for the first time in the 65-year history of the BBC Radio 4 drama, to allow fans to listen in on the deliberations of the jury at Borchester crown court before the verdict was handed down. #thearchers was the top trending Twitter hashtag during the show and #freehelen has been trending all week.

Listeners heard evidence during the five-day trial from the defence arguing that she acted in self-defence after months of mental and physical abuse and due to the need to protect her five-year-old son Henry, who was present during the stabbing. The prosecution portrayed her as unstable and volatile.

Some famous voices were heard in the episode, including that of Nigel Havers, the Chariots of Fire actor, and Catherine Tate, star of Doctor Who. They were joined by Dame Eileen Atkins, the co-creator of Upstairs Downstairs and screenwriter of Mrs Dalloway, as well as a special appearance for Graham Seed who played Nigel Pargetter in the Archers for 27 years until his character died in the show’s 60th anniversary special in 2011.

Tensions in the deliberation room ran high throughout the decision-making process, with several jurors competing to have their say and arguing about what constitutes domestic abuse and self defence.

The episode flicked between the jurors arguing and the other characters – including Helen in her cell with her baby – and her parents waiting anxiously for the decision.

The verdict may have come as a surprise to listeners. The jury had to return a majority 10 to one verdict but at one point in the show six jurors believed Helen to be guilty.

Commenting on the verdict, Louiza Patikas, who plays Helen, said: “I feel relieved – the secret’s out. Finally I can talk to friends and family about it and I’m really intrigued to see what the public makes of the verdict.”

Patikas, who has played the character for 16 years, met with survivors of domestic violence through the charities Refuge and Woman’s Aid, who worked with the radio soap on the story’s development. “My hope is that anyone listening to the programme who is experiencing domestic abuse finds the courage to get the help that’s out there,” Patikas said. “There are people who understand what you’re experiencing and millions of members of the public who are rooting for you, as the reaction to this storyline has demonstrated.

Related: 'Frighteningly relevant and superbly handled': readers on the Archers' verdict

“I hope that she’ll soon get back behind the wheels of her car and start some therapeutic cheese-making when she feels up to it. In fact, therapy all round is probably needed.”

The special episode was Sean O’Connor’s finale as the editor of The Archers. He moved to EastEnders earlier in the year but has continued to oversee the Helen and Rob storyline – which he created – until the end of the trial. “It has been humbling and very moving to be able to shine a light on an urgent social issue that affects millions of women and to see the audience embrace Helen’s story in such an extraordinary way,” he said.

“I was very keen that having accompanied Helen on every step of her painful story, there would be hope for her and her future. We know that life isn’t always like that but sometimes drama can and needs to offer us a sense of redemption. That’s why we decided to conclude the trial with the verdict that we did.”

Polly Neate, chief executive of Women’s Aid, told the Guardian: “Up to 80% of women experience domestic or sexual violence or both so women do retaliate and when they do they very often find themselves in the position of being cast as the perpetrator. From experience I know it’s far from over, particularly where children are concerned. There are lots of avenues where he can still exercise his power and control.”

She also felt that the controversial way that the jurors discussed the issue as they deliberated the verdict was realistic. “I get into a lot of conversations as you can imagine about domestic abuse and about women and men and abusive relationships. I thought the range of views expressed were very typical really.

“Helen was jolly lucky to have someone like Jacqui in the jury actually, but it’s not surprising that there would have been jurors with personal experience of domestic abuse because actually the vast majority of us know someone who has been affected even if we don’t realise it.”

“There were some people in the jury who understood coercive control and understood domestic abuse and what I really hope what this storyline will mean is that in future for women there might more jurors who are more likely to understand the issues. It’s as basic as that. It’s awareness that saves lives when it comes to domestic abuse, which is why this storyline has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Related: My donation page inspired by The Archers has raised over £135,000 | Paul Trueman

The Helen Titchener fund, which was set up by a fan of the show, Paul Trueman, reached its target of £150,000 as the episode was on air. The money raised will go to Refuge, the domestic-violence-support charity.

Trueman, who set up the fundraising page in February as the abuse became more painful to listen to, said: “What a day. I couldn’t be more surprised and delighted by the fund’s success than if the Grundys were revealed as the rightful heirs to Loxley Hall. Thousands of people have helped me hit the target for Refuge – and they will change thousands of others’ lives in turn.”

There were hints that the storyline may continue, in a sense, beyond the trial. A custody battle is due to take place on 14 September and at the end of Sunday’s episode Helen had a chilling run-in with Rob. “Did you think you could tell all those lies about me and I’d just disappear?” he said. “Well, you might have fooled everyone else, but we both know the truth … You haven’t got rid of me. As long as we have a child together, you never will.”
