CBS tightens web editorial policy after plagiarism row

Also: Google News makes up with AFP | Apple gets more movies | MySpace blocks Photobucket | Google in DirecTV ad sales deal

CBS is to introduce a new-level of editorial stringency to its website following revelations that anchor Katie Couric presented a plagiarised video commentary played online last week, says the New York Times.

Ms Couric's piece, on how children use libraries in an internet-dominated world, ran in a section of the CBS News Website called "Katie Couric's Notebook".

It was determined that the piece, which was subsequently removed from the website, was clearly "inspired" by a story in the Wall Street Journal the previous month.

Although the piece was also sent out for use by CBS television and radio stations, the plagiarism issue still highlights the need for vigilance by major media organisations trying to build increasingly valuable digital presence.

The question of differences in editorial stringency between content filed by journalists for use on TV, in print and the more fluid medium of the web (and blogs) has become a hot topic of late.

Google ends battle with AFP over Google News service

Google has ended a two-year legal battle with Agence France-Presse (AFP) over the use of its headlines and pictures in its controversial Google News service.

AFP launched its laws suit in 2005 alleging Google infringed its copyright when it republished snippets of stories and pictures in Google News - AFP is usually paid for the use of its content.

The deal follows the loss of a similar law suit filed by Copiepresse, which represents copyright holders in Belgium for 18 French- and German-language newspapers.

MySpace blocks Photobucket over advertising row

MySpace has blocked videos and slideshows from any users who use the Photobucket service.

Photobucket, a photo and video sharing website, made a posting on its blog calling on users to "vote with your feet and your keyboards" and tell MySpace that they are upset at not being able to upload content to their MySpace profiles.

This spat has been rumbling for a few days and now the details have become clear.

MySpace moved to block Photobucket because it is selling ads that run in the videos that users upload to the News Corporation-owned social networking website, a violation of its terms of service.

Om Malik has accused Photobucket of "crying wolf" and drawn five lessons from the "Photobucket fiasco".

Apple in movies deal with MGM

Apple has struck a deal with Metro Goldwyn Mayer studios that will see an extensive range of films such as Mad Max, Dances with Wolves and Rocky available via its iTunes stores.

The deal means over 500 movies will now be made available via iTunes, which started offering movie downloads in September.

MGM follows deals with Walt Disney, Paramount and Lionsgate - however Sony, Universal and Warner Brothers are yet to come on board and have started distributing movies on rival services from and Wal-Mart Stores.

Google in second US TV ad sales deal?

Google is in talks to sell television advertising with DirecTV Group, the largest US satellite TV broadcaster, according to blog VentureBeat (

The deal, if it happens, would mark a second major move by Google to expand its dominance of the advertising market to TV.

Earlier this month it announced a tie-up with satellite pay-TV company EchoStar, which offers 125 satellite TV channels in the US including ESPN, Discovery, CNN, A&E, National Geographic and BBC America.

Media agencies here should perhaps be taking serious note of this development, the UK is Google's second largest market by revenue must be on the radar for a test.
