Salma Hayek: I sleep with my pet owl

Salma Hayek has revealed that she sleeps with a pet owl whenever her husband is away.

The actress and her spouse, Francois-Henri Pinault, adopted a southern white-faced owl named Kering two years ago after Salma responded to an advertisement about rescue owls.

The star has now said she loves her feathered friend so much she lets her sleep in the bed when her husband is "not in town".

Hayek told People Magazine: "When my husband is not in town, she sleeps in the room with me. We have certain routines before we go to sleep. I watch TV with my iPad, and she likes to stand on the iPad."

She also revealed that Kering is more curious than most owls, and has an unusual sense of taste.

"Even though owls don't drink liquids because they take everything from their prey, she likes good wine, this one."
